Letters to the Editor

Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letter from Albert Perez

18 year olds may soon be legal to publicly carry pistols in Texas

Recently Federal District Judge Mark Pittman ruled that the existing Texas Law forbidding persons between 18 and 20 from carrying handguns in public was unconstitutional. Texas has 30 days to appeal, but the government of Texas is gun friendly so this appeal probably won’t happen (except as a “plot” to get it appealed all the way to SCOTUS and have the Constitutionally defined age to exercise full rights to keep and bear arms as 18 nationally). Of course, restrictions such as no gun zones, no felonies, protective orders, not mentally incompetent, will apply.

Meanwhile, besides being an expansion of RKBA to what it should be, this should help break the trend of infantilizing young people by continuing to treat them as little kids into their mid twenties. Having a gun on your person doesn’t make you an adult, but it sure as hell demands that you accept adult responsibility.

Perhaps if youngsters are required to accept adult responsibility the denial of adult rights and personal autonomy to them will be exposed for the evil it is.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

HOW IT WORKS: The International Space Station – YouTube

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SGP6Y0Pnhe4Sleeping, eating, drinking, pooping and peeing are complicated in free fall. And throwing up is a nightmare.

This is why you need an O’Neill cylinder with spin gravity.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Freeloader U – YouTube


Maybe it should be WTF -U.

If they forgive student loan debt I want the government to cease and desist from any subsidies to higher education and let colleges sink or swim in the marketplace. To survive they’ll have to charge reasonable tuitions and the arrogant overpaid tenured Marxist professors will have to take a pay cut and actually teach students useful things that will make them able to succeed in life and become assets to their society.

If not they can fail and get bought up by someone else who will turn them into profit making institutions that operate more like community colleges which do a really great job turning out nurses and other skilled professionals.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

Maybe the solution is not to tax Yale et al., but to detax everybody else. — Ed.

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