Letters to the Editor

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Letter from David M. Brown

Letter to the Editor

If one is going to denigrate and downgrade Shakespeare, perhaps one could condescend to give reasons based on analysis of the text of the plays; it does not “go without saying,” although some nippers at his ankles may say so. Why, for example, is Bradley wrong about the four great tragedies? Is the depth and sinuousness that Bradley traces simply a fabrication?

David M. Brown
[email protected]

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Letter from Alan Bickley

Re: Fw: Letter to the Editor

If I’d said he stole his plots from Marlowe, or that he had a wooden leg, or was a crypto-Catholic, I might feel obliged to give some evidence. But I don’t like Shakespeare. His endless and ranting speeches bore me. His inattention to plot gets on my tits. His puns leave me cold. My only required evidence for not liking him is that I don’t like him.

Alan Bickley
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

LIVE: President Biden Press Conference | JEFF DUNHAM – YouTube

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cKoMHJ0IzK0 Times like these you need a good laugh!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Economist: The Green New Deal Is Built on Fear, Not Facts – Foundation for Economic Education

notes that “strong bipartisan support” for the measure corresponds to a whopping 97 percent of respondents who knew “a little” or “nothing at all” about it.


How much do you think AOC or little Miss Greta know about physical science or economics and how those pertain to human well being?

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

Yup. You can ask people if they’re in favor of some warm fuzzy thing or other, and they’ll be all in favor of it. But when you ask them how much they’re willing to pay, the results usually are that they aren’t willing to pay anywhere near the real costs. — Editor

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