Letters to the Editor

Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letter from L. Reichard White

Naomi Wolf lays out the documented despicable mRNA truth & context

NAOMI WOLF via BWR, lays out the thoroughly documented disturbing truth about the mRNA vaccine jabs

Naomi Wolf video Includes, for example, that live births have seen double-digit drops –meticulous details– in the most vaxed countries — which includes European Union, Australia, etc. Much more. This is all documented and the report is available as an e-book on Kindle, Naomi’s website and is available via AMAZON where it’s suddenly in the


Foreword to the Amazon Kindle Version of the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports eBook – DailyClout

Health, happiness, & long life,
L. Reichard White
[email protected]

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Letter from Albert Perez

Re: Cielo Vista Mall Shooting of 15 February, 2023

So far, all that has come out is that the victim and the killer’s friends exchanged words in the restroom, that everyone left the RR thinking the dispute was over. That’s when one of the shooter’s friends sucker punched the victim who fought back and Babosito shot him. Apparently all simple teenage stupid BS.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

Refers to Mall Shooting in El Paso, Texas — Editor.

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Letter from Albert Perez

Supporting voices

In the past I’ve pointed out, as have many others, that laws limiting the right to keep and bear arms when the 2nd Amendment was adopted were those meant to oppress Native Americans, slaves and free Black people, and other minorities singled out for denial of rights. It’s good to see others proclaim this and sad to see that those who support gun control laws so freely reference these oppressive laws without realizing how totally this reveals their goal to be evil.

To Justify Gun Control, Blue State Attorneys Cite ‘Bigoted’ Old Laws Disarming Blacks, Catholics And Native Americans

[DCNF: Daily Caller News Foundation — Editor]

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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