

L. Neil Smith's
Number 83, July 31, 2000
Waco Whitewash

Letters to the Editor

Send Letters to [email protected]

Letter from Judith Vinson

Letter from Jack Jerome

Letter from Jeff Colonnesi

[Excerpts from an e-mail from Judith Vinson, in response to my request to reprint her poignant article (see Burying the Branch Davidians)]:


If you or any other libertarians would still like to do something though it's not too late. Run up our site rebuildthechurch.com


The patriots here in Texas and others rebuilt the church at Mt. Carmel. Some are Libertarians like myself. We all keep together via shortwave shows and for the most part raised money that way. Only thing is the patriots are all poor. We still are needing to hook up the ducts for the air conditioning and do a septic tank -- we're short about 15,000 dollars to finish it. (They are all terribly poor and mostly old and will never finish it I'm afraid.)

But we did raise $96,000 and built the thing in time for the dedication April 19, 2000. The money came from 443 individuals in 46 states and 2 foreign countries (Canada & Australia). We had 150 volunteers to do all the work and we spent every Sunday for eight months plus pretty much full time the last few weeks before the dedication.

We worked with a heroic bunch of people, I can tell you that. (We even had a hillbilly tobacco farmer who hitchhiked here from WV to give us a week's work -- he was a heck of a roofer -- then hitched all the way back. Actually he walked a good deal of the way since the Highway Patrol kept telling him he couldn't hitchhike.)

I couldn't tell how used up we all are. Pics of the effort week by week are on the web site. Be careful to get the right one -- there is a fed disinformation site or two if you just run up a menu on the name. Yes, we were up against that too. There are instructions there for donations. Still accepting donations made out to

Rebuild the Church.com
P.O. Box 19061
Austin, TX 78760

We also have a two hour video on the effort that we spliced interviews into of the BDs telling their stories. Some of them have never been interviewed, and are fascinating. The video is $20.00 total to same name and PO box above. We don't spend a penny on overhead. Every cent goes to materials. All work, web sites, film etc. was/is done by volunteers.

We're very proud of that little church. It may be the only thing ever done for these people. I feel privileged to have been a part.

Warmest Regards, and God bless you

Judith Vinson [email protected]

Hi John,

Saw that the Special investigation on Waco was concluded, and the USGOV was found....NOT GUILTY! I am comforted that the same bunch that determined that President Clinton was innocent of perjury and malfeasance, and that his wife, Ms. Rodham wasn't guilty of real estate fraud or hindering an investigation, figgered it all out. The system works great, doesn't it?

Also, a footnote on the news today. Federal officials (read Treasury) want a laws extending PERMANENTLY, police powers to Federal Inspectors! It was stated in the newsblurb that "temporary" powers have been granted, but the measure expires at the end of the month. Government sources state that investigations would be compromised if this power was withdrawn. Power really is like a drug, isn't it?

Also, in the "great to have free speech" category, an editor of the military paper Stars and Stripes was found beaten to death in a Wilson Boulevard used car lot this morning, in the D.C. suburb of Arlington. Editors of the world, heads up!

Just some little stuff that may get overlooked.

Take care,

Jack Jerome [email protected]

The comment that Mel Gibson's character said in the assembly in the movie was ... well, "interesting" might not be the right word, but it's about the closest fit.

The comment I am referring to was this: "Why should I trade one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away? An elected legislature can trample our liberties as easily as any tyrant." That coupled with the parallel between the movies church burning and Waco will hopefully get the gears turning in a few heads.

Then again, maybe I am being overly optimistic.

Jeff Colonnesi [email protected]

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