Law Versus Reality, Part II

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
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The Cover of the graphic novel
edition of The Probability Broach,
by L. Neil Smith and Scott Bieser

Number 263, March 14, 2004

Damned if it's Bush. Damned if it's Kerry. Damn.

This issue's motto from John Wilde of Arizona.

Letters to the Editor
Letters from Michael Brightbill, Scott Bieser, L. Neil Smith, e.j.totty, and Steve Smith

Law Versus Reality, Part II
by William Stone, III
Last week, in my essay entitled "Law Versus Reality," I made a claim that is no doubt startling to many libertarian thinkers: "Intellectual Property" does not exist. In all fairness, I should have written Part II of this article first, as an introduction. However, I was so incensed by the sheer gall of the money-grubbing socialist presently in charge of SCO that I believed his actions warranted immediate comment. That out of the way, it's important to explain why, from the perspective of the Zero Aggression Principle, "intellectual property," patents, and even copyrights are nothing more than legal fiction. Ideas are not property. They never have been, they never will be, and it is a horrible mistake to behave as though they are.

Welcome to My Nightmare
by Ron Beatty
Well, the new year is less than one quarter over, and already some of the things that I wrote about as fears for the new year are coming true. The Religious Right is becoming even more vocal and domineering, the government is intruding even more into private lives, and ordinary, everyday people are saying that they don't care about being free, as long as they are taken care of. Even worse than all this, we are faced with choosing between two New England liberal Yale graduates, both wealthy and from wealthy families, neither with the slightest hint about what America is all about as our next President. All of these are very disturbing, but in this article I am going to concentrate on the Religious Right.

Freedom is My Religion
by Lady Liberty
Ladies and gentlemen, or, as a great man says, "sons and daughters of the American Revolution," I'd like to bring you into the classroom with me. I am a high school senior in Indiana. At my school, a course in Government and Economics is required for a senior to pass his graduation year. I've been a Libertarian for two or three years now, ever since I read The Probability Broach by that great man I previously mentioned, so I've had some time to form my own opinions and discover truths about the tyranny we all suffer under. The school offered an Honors course in Government/ Economics that was known to be a freer class than the academic form, allowing more debate and discussion in the classroom. I figured this was a better choice in that it would give me a chance to speak about my thoughts and observations.

The FCC and VoIP
by Lex Concord
Sometimes, technology advances too quickly for the designated federal bureaucracy to keep pace. If you value individual liberty, you applaud these leaps in human progress, and enjoy the fresh air of freedom while you can. If you worry about how a criminal might exploit the new technology, or that the free market might not distribute the benefits equally to everyone, you clamor for protection and for social justice. If you run the ponderous bureaucracy, you start worrying about your job security, and scrambling for reasons to intervene in the peaceful affairs of others.

Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party
by Rex Curry
Libertarians can help educate the media about the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Socialist German Workers' Party with letters like the ones below, directed to the oral arguments scheduled for March 24 before the U.S. Supreme in the Pledge of Allegiance case.

To Marry or Not to Marry
by Todd Andrew Barnett
President George W. Bush's backing of the newly-proposed constitutional amendment to prohibit states from according same-sex couples with marriage licenses ought to be suspect. After all, the proposal, which was introduced by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) in the House on May 21, 2003, has certainly ruffled a lot of feathers across the political spectrum. At worst this amendment has finally given Bush and his statist lackeys the political ammo they need to combat the "threat" of same-sex marriages—a "threat" which they claim will undermine the institution itself.

When "Mother" is a Bureaucracy
by Wendy McElroy
Were HIV-positive infants and children in the Manhattan foster care system used as guinea pigs in medical experiments? That question is the heart of a potential scandal that could propel child welfare systems in North America toward greater transparency and accountability.

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