A Little Gun Talk

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
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Simon Jester
Simon Jester

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Number 289, September 19, 2004

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

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the toon
"Letter from Home"
by Russmo


Greetings, and welcome to Issue number 289 of TLE. We finally got that promised article on large-frame revolvers from Our Publisher, Mr. L. Neil Smith, but Jim Lesczynski is still working on his article on the "illegal" demonstration in Central Park. I understand fully, writing articles is hard—I've got another record review that I'm trying to write that just isn't going anywhere. (Not to mention me being all fuzzy in the head lately.)

We received two anonymous donations this last week from readers wanting to help us keep going. Let me tell you, folks, those people who accuse libertarians of being self-centered and unconcerned with helping others, well, those people are full of it! But y'all already knew that, right?

That donation link again:


Ken Holder
Editor, TLE


Letters to the Editor
Letters from EJ Totty, Frank Ney, Alan Korwin, Nathaniel M. Edmands III, Robert Butler, and the Badnarik Campaign

A Little Gun Talk
by L. Neil Smith
Recently I rediscovered something a great many folks already knew: that for general purposes, revolvers with five-inch barrels are the best.

Michael Moore Tells the Truth: A Fantasy
by Sandy Sandfort
In the year 2007, Michael and his girlfriend, Bambi, finally got married. They had a really impressive wedding. Michael had invited hundreds of his closest friends among the wealthy and powerful. There were members of the progressive press, the Hollywood "A" list and the most liberal politicians. But true to his roots, Michael had invited two unemployed Detroit autoworkers. He had noticed them the week before in a crowd. They had come to wave at him as his Mercedes limousine motorcade made a honk-and-run appearance at a showing of his latest docudrama, "Condoleeza Rice: Threat or Menace?" The movie revealed that Dr. Rice not only speaks fluent Russian, but has been seen speaking with Russian government officials, in Russian. Also, Russians own 0.03% of the US economy.

Survey of the Bill of Rights: Article 6
by Ron Beatty
Looking over the Sixth Amendment, it is very plain, to anyone except a politician, a bureaucrat, or a fool (is there any difference?), that the Patriot Act is totally unconstitutional, along with many other government actions and laws.

What's in a Name? A Whole Lot of Money
by Jonathan David Morris
It's been so long since I've been to a Philadelphia Phillies game that the best I can do is tell you it was probably 15 years ago. I'm not sure who played for them back then; the only thing I remember is coming home with a souvenir batting glove. They were never my team, the Phillies. I was always a Yankee fan. When you grow up in North Jersey, being a Yankee fan is basically a birthright. Literally. My brother and I got baseball jackets from our grandparents when we were kids. I got the Yanks because I was older; he got the Mets. If I hadn't been born four years before him, I'd be a Keith Hernandez fan.

Adventures in Traffic Court
(And other ramblings)
The Road Rage Chronicles, Vol. 2

by Nate Frymire
A couple weeks ago, I regaled you with a laundry list of driving habits and situations that piss me off. This week I will relate a couple of my experiences from traffic court. Over the last thirteen years, I have had occasion to be there several times. It is the two most recent, dear readers, which I relate to you.

Pollyanna Politics
by Lady Liberty
I'm not a signed member of any official political party. I do, however happen to be acquainted with a number of local Republicans, and so it was that I received an invitation to an event celebrating the Party's nomination of George W. Bush as its official presidential candidate. Not one to turn down the chance to chat with politicians and candidates in a casual setting, I accepted the invite. That evening, I stood in the background with a cookie—and a large grain of salt. I listened to the speeches and saw the room respond with cheers and applause, much the same way the audience in Madison Square Garden was behaving during its own program. And that night I saw it more clearly then than ever before: this was Pollyanna politics in action.

Mandatory Mental Health Screening Threatens Privacy, Parental Rights
by Wendy McElroy
On September 9th, the 'Ron Paul Amendment' was defeated in the House of Representatives by a vote of 95-315. The Amendment would have prevented the funds sought by an appropriations bill (HR 5006) from being used for the mandatory mental-health screening of Americans, including public schoolchildren. Rep. Paul (R-Texas) a practicing physician for over 30 years—campaigned against the new program on the grounds that it negates parental rights and would encourage the over medication of children.

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