A Hippie Christmas Carol

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
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Number 301, December 19, 2004

Happy Ngu Year

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the 'toon

"TV, Movies and Pop Music Are Lowering Morals"
by David Horsey


We will be taking (as usual) the Christmas/New-Years weeks off, so Issue Number 302 will appear on January 9, not December 26 (or January 2). This is to allow our writers, readers, and (most importantly) editors to spend more time with their families during the holidays. And don't worry, we'll come roaring back big-time January 9, 2005—mark your calenders! Or your colanders.

Big Thank You! exclamations go out to SWW and WCG who snail-mailed checks to help keep TLE going. And keep going we will.

That donate link again:


And don't forget, you can order The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel at:

Laissez-Faire Books


Ken Holder


Letters to the Editor
from Bill St. Clair, Susan Wells, Jim Davidson, and Jason Sorens

A New Direction
by Ron Beatty
Over this last year or so, I have become a regular contributor to TLE, and due to some comments made both in personal discussions, and on the Smith-2004 group message board, I have a proposal to make.

Pennsylvania: Come for the Sights, Stay for the... Milk?
by Jonathan David Morris
You know what we don't need? State birds. If you can convince me we need state birds, I will give you a dollar.

A Hippie Christmas Carol
by Ebenezer Miles, aka Kapt Grinch (a.k.a. Manuel Miles)
[it must be The Season: the Kapt done gone all sentimental and maudlin again] You occasionally read a reference to "the 60s" or "the hippys" [sic], both online and in the government-controlled media, but the last thing that anyone seems interested in is an actual honest history of those turbulent days when the youth of the Western world seemed poised to bring down the whole dang statist house of cards in every "first world" country.

The Moral Values Racket
by Todd Andrew Barnett
In the wake of the presidential election on November 2, 2004, the election exit polls, within hours after the American electorate had reelected President George W. Bush to the White House, indicated that 22 percent of the electorate voted for Bush largely on the issue of "moral values." Aside from other leading issues such as the economy and terrorism, "moral values," according to those polls, was the top reason for Bush's political victory this election year.

Unedited Footage
by Boris Karpa
Please turn off "Traffic" before reading this. While you are at it, turn off "Law and Order". You probably hear a lot about the War on Drugs. You watch many movies about the noble drug warriors. They bust drug dealers, destroy their product, and generally kick rear end. These are really war movies, if you think of it. You used to see many films about WWII, Korea, Vietnam.... Well, these are War on Drugs war movies. Today, I am going to show you the unedited footage: the Drug War they don't show you on CNN, BBC—or Fox News to that matter. Get any children away from the screen; grab your Valium (if they didn't ban it while you weren't looking), and start watching.

by Lady Liberty
It's that time of year again. The malls are begging for conspicuous consumption. The stores are selling select items at a loss in the hopes of selling other more profitable goods to those who are there for sale prices. Twinkling lights are everywhere. Goodwill and stress alike are rampant. And lawsuits—and threats of lawsuits—abound.

Agency Culpable in Child Support Scam
by Wendy McElroy
Last week, Viola Trevino carried her 5-year-old "daughter" into an Albuquerque court to satisfy a judge's demand to produce the child.

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