This is Issue Number 350 of TLE. I was intending to have some
special stuff announced this time, but I got one of them bugs going
around, and so didn't. Maybe next time.
Help keep the bugs away from TLE by donating some of your
spare money at:
Okay, at least help keep the wolf from the door, then!
Ken Holder
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition. Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
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The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by BigHead Press, 2004
Letters to the Editor
from Wendy McElroy, Lady Liberty, Name Withheld Upon Request, E.J. Totty, lehr, and Jack Duggan
Fool Me Twice
by L. Neil Smith
If politics, as it is frequently observed, tend to make strange
bedfellows, certainly the politics of war tend to make even stranger
ones. Recently, thanks to some new friends I've found among my fellow
musicians, I've been reading articles written by people who identify
themselves unflinchingly as liberals, about the various shortcomings
of people who identify themselves as conservatives. I haven't done
anything like that for a long while, and it's been interesting in many
different ways.
The Future of Freedom
by Lady Liberty
The New Year seems to be the one time of year when
almost all of us simultaneously decide to take stock of our lives. We
look at the year gone past; we make all of the best intentioned plans
for the future.We consider our successes of the last twelve months and
hope to build on them; we (hopefully) dissect our mistakes and determine
to learn from them. I'm no exception to that annual personal review.
Pat Robertson Sings The Blues
by Jonathan David Morris
I know a lot of dumb people who've said a lot of dumb
things. In fact, I am one of those people. I've said
that only-children tend to be spoiled in front of
people who didn't have brothers and sisters. I've made
fun of people without college educations in front of
people who it turned out never went to college. I
regularly make a complete and total ass out of myself.
I should probably find a way to get paid for it at
this point; I do it so often, it's like a part-time
job. But for all the dumb things I've said in my
lifetime, and for all the times I've been told by dear
friends that they "can't take [me] anywhere," if
nothing else, I can take solace in one thing: I'm not
Pat Robertson. And as much as I'll undoubtedly try, I
will probably never say as many dumb things as he
Mail Order Bride Law Brands U.S. Men Abusers
by Wendy McElroy
The Violence Against Women Act signed by President Bush
on Jan. 5, contains an almost unnoticed attachment. Subtitle D, also known
as the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 (IMBA), will
become law when VAWA is enacted. The IMBA is an ostensibly noble measure
with a surprising and ominous twist.
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