I'm glad I don't have to write editorials. I frequently can't think of
anything to say for these short introductions! And if I've got nothing
to say, well, then I say nothing. That's just the way I am. Not much
of a talker. Never have been.
However, I do manage to put out a few words appealing for financial support
for TLE. We take cash, and also enjoy it when our faithful
readers click on our affiliate and advertising links to earn us a bit
of commission on purchases. We don't need all that much to live on,
and not all that much is what we get. For which I'm pleased to say
"thank you!"
That link:
Ken Holder
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition. Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
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The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by BigHead Press, 2004
Letters to the Editor
from Scott Bieser, Renata Russell, and Kat Dillon
Candy From Babies
by L. Neil Smith
Some people, it would seem, just can't be satisfied unless they're
taking something away from somebody else. Something that gives them
Tony Blair: Let There be no Easy Way Out for Him
by Sean Gabb
I think it was Caligula who used to shout exultantly over his
victims: "Ite feri ut se sentiat emori""strike him so that he
knows he is dying". Looking at his scared, sweaty face in the
newspapers this morning, I begin to suspect that some higher force
is exulting in similar fashion over Tony Blair. I despise the
Conservative Party. I despise it for what it has become. I also
despise it for its inability to win elections on more than points: a
real opposition to this Prime Minister would have won a crushing
victory in the local government elections yesterday, as opposed
merely to making significant gains. Even so, the Conservatives did
humble him by the scale of their gains. And he has been forced to
dismiss one of his most loyal Ministers and to strip another of all
effective power.
Twilight Zone
by Kathryn A. Graham
For the last several years, I have felt like I was living in the
Twilight Zone. Every time I started to get a mental handle on the
abuses of our government, something new came up that left me reeling
with shock. Well, I'm out of shock now. I am just plain pissed.
An Open Letter to the FCC
by Jonathan David Morris
Dear Commissioners of the Federal Communications
Commission, I must say as an American my entire life I am stunned
by what this country has come to. I have just about
had it with the "sexually" suggestive commentary
coming out of my television this morning and would
like to file a formal complaint with the Commissioners
of the Federal Communications Commission in hopes that
you will rectify the situation and consider further
safeguards to prevent the kind of "sexually"
suggestive commentary I heard coming out my television
set this morning in future network broadcasts such as
the one I was subjected to this morning which I was
thoroughly appalled by on network TV.
On Taxation
by Alan R. Weiss
Welcome to the People's Democratic Republic of Austin,
otherwise known as the Austin Soviet Socialist Republiccomrade. I assume
that you've read the fine print, eh?
Page Nine
The Uninvited Ombudsman Report
by Alan Korwin
Though many of my friends and fans think of me as The
Gun Guy (because of all my gun-law books), I'm really a writer, have been
for more than 20 years. My fertile brain has been working on a journalism
concept that's never been tried. It is a single page in major newspapers
("Page Nine" regardless of the page it runs on), that covers the day's
stories as they ought to read, not the way left-wing news rooms color
things. Like FOX on steroids, for the print world. It would be the most
read page in the paper, a refreshing breath of clean air. Here's a casual
sample (without the hard sweat Page Nine would really need). It might make
you say, "They'll never run that!" but the page will be built around
ad revenues from right thinking mainstream businesses.
Being Mean to Intelligent Designers
by Darian Worden
I think that most readers of The Libertarian Enterprise
would agree that that the best way to resolve the evolution versus intelligent
design controversy is to separate school and state. This would allow parents
and their kids to decide what combination of reason and faith they think is
the best explanation of how we got here, and it would keep politics out of
the decision. So instead of beating that issue to death, I'm going to share
a few thoughts I've had about the controversy that fall along different lines.
Yanqui Libre!
by Jack Duggan
We are planning on changing your nation's name from
"Mexico" to "Americo."
Who, Me?
by Lady Liberty
In the last few weeks, I was somewhat taken aback to
learn that I oppose freedom of speech; I do not support the right to keep
and bear arms; I am, by turns, a statist or an anarchist; and I'm a racist
to boot. I'm under no illusions that any of these descriptive terms are
good things. Fortunately for me, it just so happens that none of them are true.
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