Celebrity Worship

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
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Simon Jester
Simon Jester


L. Neil Smith's
Number 372, June 18, 2006

"Refuge in the Junkyard"

The Free State Project's PorcFest 2006
The Free State Project's PorcFest 2006


Father's Day. My father died last Thanksgiving (age 90), so I can't call him up and tell him I love him, but maybe your father is still around and would like to hear from you. If so, go call him.

We took Kent McManigal's advice about flying the Gadsden Flag to heart, and have located an on-line vendor who'll pay TLE a commission for every one we sell via this link:

Gadsden Flag

So get clickin'!

Here at TLE World Headquarters we've had a Gadsden flag tacked up for four or six years now. Keeps the boogymans away. Or something.

And other ways you yourself (yes you) can help out TLE in the financial department is by clicking on our other advertiser and affiliate links, or even making a direct deposit via this link:


And now we're proud to present the three-hundred-seventy-second issue of our little e-zine. Enjoy!

Ken Holder


TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
Download for $5.00, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck, or PayPal

The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by BigHead Press, 2004



Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Ron Beatty, Kent McManigal, and The Free State Project:

Celebrity Worship
by L. Neil Smith
Well, I just finished my morning coffee. My wife and daughter have both gone to work, and I have sought refuge in the junkyard I call my office. Refuge? I thought you'd never ask.

Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe
"The Inconvenient Truth" is indeed inconvenient to alarmists

by Tom Harris
"Scientists have an independent obligation to respect and present the truth as they see it," Al Gore sensibly asserts in his film "An Inconvenient Truth", showing at Cumberland 4 Cinemas in Toronto since Jun 2. With that outlook in mind, what do world climate experts actually think about the science of his movie?

The Battle of Wakarusa
NLG and ACLU Fail to Defend Liberty

by Jim Davidson
In early June 2006, the Wakarusa Music Festival took place around the USA Army Corps of Engineers Clinton Lake park facilities. About fifteen thousand people from around the country came for the festival, camped out, listend to live music, and brought millions of dollars in sales to area businesses.

On Decency and the Death of Zarqawi
by Jonathan David Morris
America is a strange country. Last week, the U.S. military ended the life of one Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a high-profile terrorist leader who had been wreaking relative havoc both on Iraq as well as my MS Word spellchecker for years. Like most Americans, I consider Zarqawi's death to be generally helpful. I also tend to view him as someone who fundamentally deserved to die. Anyone who's seen the tape of him ripping Nick Berg's head off knows where I'm coming from on this. The man had earned his demise. And in many respects, he'd been asking for it for years.

On Busybodies and Minding Your Own Business
by Ron Beatty
I've just seen some news that's made me decide to continue my article from last week, actually several news items.

Review of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
by Scott A. Campanaro
I have just finished reading Robert Spencer's The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades). It is excellent—his main thesis is too well put not to quote Here:

No Justice for McKinney or Duke 'Rapist'?
by Wendy McElroy
There ain't no justice! To me, that conclusion unites two otherwise distinct legal matters: Rep. Cynthia McKinney's alleged assault of a police officer, and the Duke lacrosse team 'rape' prosecution. The cases are examples of the law treating people according to who they are and not upon the evidence.

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