A Portland Promise

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
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Simon Jester
Simon Jester


Bill of Rights Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 376, July 16, 2006

"I will not see libertarianism redefined or watered down"

by Scott Bieser
my blog:
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It must be that thar Globular Warming thing or something, 'cause it shore has been hot lately. Those "monsoons" haven't been raining and thunderstorming enough lately to cool things off here in Arizona. I think I'm going to die soon from the heat. It's been nice knowing y'all!

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and for buying yourself stuff you need and want, there are affiliate links scattered all about the issue.

And welcome to Issue #376!

Ken Holder


TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
Download for $5.00, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck, or PayPal

The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by BigHead Press, 2004



Letters to the Editor
from Kent McManigal, Walt Dean, Jim Lesczynski, David M. Schmidt, David Hughes, L. Neil Smith, Anthony Gregory, and Free State Project

A Portland Promise
by L. Neil Smith
We get letters, especially when we succumb to an urge to write about the Libertarian Party. Unfortunately, many of the writers of these letters—David Hughes, the most recent example is no exception—are so afflicted with error and willfull misinterpretation that it's always difficult, frustrating to know where to begin correcting them.

Happiness by Decree
by Sean Gabb
Mr Huet telephoned me earlier today in a sweat about something he had just read in the newspapers. Apparently, the Government is considering whether to add the teaching of happiness to the National Curriculum. According to a report in The Independent on Sunday,

Remembering Freedom
by Lady Liberty
Americans like the Fourth of July. They decorate their houses in red, white and blue, and they have barbecues. They watch parades. They say, "Oooh!" and "Ahhhh!" appreciatively at fireworks displays. They plan picnics. Some Americans actually take the time to devote some part of their day to listening to somebody else read the Declaration of Independence or to honor the men and women of the Armed Forces. But most of them have no notion of the irony of their celebrations. And if they did, an appalling number of them wouldn't care.

by Chris Claypoole
I may be more susceptible to the problem I am about to describe, as my self-diagnosis tells me that I have what is described by the psycho-babblers as Adult ADHD. I find it difficult to remain focused on one mental activity for more than about an hour, even a good book. Recently having become interested in Sudoku and re-interested in crossword puzzles, I find that I get distracted from my concentration after the previously mentioned 60 minutes or so with these activities as well. When I was younger, I could work on the Sunday crossword puzzle(s) for the whole afternoon if there was no work to be done in the house.

What Happens In Vegas. . . Happens In Vegas
by Jonathan David Morris
Last week, my wife and parents and brother and I all traveled to Las Vegas for the first time in our lives. It was a rather unusual vacation. I explained what happened to one of my friends the other day, and he responded by saying it was almost like two vacations in one: the first, an escape from work; the other, an escape from reality. I would tend to agree with that assessment. To say we experienced Murphy's Law would be an understatement. For one full week, it felt as though we were living Murphy's Life and wearing Murphy's Underwear.

It's the Guns, Stupid
by L. Neil Smith
A couple of extremely interesting events occurred just this week—by coincidence on the same day—and I have yet to see any media coverage of what seems to me, at least, the connection between the two.

Whither the Duke Rape Case?
by Wendy McElroy
The three Duke University students accused of raping a woman in March are not expected to stand trial before Spring 2007. Indeed, among the uncertainties surrounding the case is whether the trial will occur at all or whether charges will be dismissed. Nevertheless, the preliminary debate that raged like wildfire through the media has changed society's frame of reference for viewing sexual assault cases. For some, the Duke case has changed how they view the criminal court system itself.

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