Bill of Rights Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 381, August 20, 2006

"The sort of slave rebellions that are coming in the next few years..."


Control-Freak News Week of 006-08-14
by E. J. Totty

Credit The Libertarian Enterprise

Being free of control freaks entails just one thing: Disallow them any degree of power.

Gun Control Items

If government is so bloody honest, then why the need for court orders and threatened civil action in order to bring it back into line with the 'supposed' law?

CNS News (US): Ruling Seen As 'Landmark' Victory for New Orleans Gun Owners

"Only when we threatened Mayor Nagin and Superintendent Riley with a motion for contempt did the city miraculously discover that they actually did have more than 1,000 firearms that had been taken from their owners."
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Yet another 'hero' proclaims the need for 'gun control.' One wonders: What if the criminal had attacked her with a baseball bat? Would she be pursuing baseball bat control?! (US): 'Hero' turns her attention to gun control

Last week, she and her husband, Erez, visited New York to "explain to my 88-year-old grandfather what happened." While there, they met with former President Clinton to discuss gun control and safety, issues his foundation supports.
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Backdoor action in the Great White North ...

Discover Moose (CA): CUFOA is Not Pleased

The federal government has announced plans to scrap the laws the require fire arms owners to register their weapons, but the Canadian Unregistered Firearms Owners Association is more concerned with the part that forces owners to be licensed themselves.
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Well, after stirring-up a hornet's nest, what the hell did she expect—pleasantries?

LA (US): After she wrote a gun-control op-ed,

'A SPINELESS retard with the character of pond scum." A "whacko," "greedy un-American idiot," "fascist," "whining liberal" and "nasty little gun grabber."
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This video speaks volumes for itself!!

Google Video (US): Bullshit! Gun Control—Google Video

DO NOTE: This video is 28 minutes long, and you should have a high speed connection. But, it's well worth the wait!
Go see it here


About the only thing these ladies are aiming at is more of the same—under the guise of 'doing something.'

Mail & Guardian Online (ZA): Women take aim at gun-control laws

About 20 women whose loved ones died violent deaths demonstrated outside Parliament for tighter gun controls Friday in one of the world's most crime-ridden countries.
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And, while the ladies above believe in stupid laws, the others believe in something very much more positive:

Mail & Guardian Online (ZA): Gun owners hit back at proposed legal changes

Empirical evidence suggests that gun control is a "total failure" in curbing crime, the organisation Gun Owners of South Africa (Gosa) said on Monday.
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Golly gee—no kidding! And it doesn't work with firearms either—duh!

The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (UK): Knife Crime

There is insufficient evidence that a knife amnesty or increasing sentence length for carrying will decrease the level of knife use carrying.
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Knife/Weapons Control/Culture Items

The Guardian Unlimited (UK): Game over for toy guns in heart of the old west

But Mr Belden said shops have not carried realistic replicas for years and that the true victims will be collectors no longer able to trade in valuable cowboy-era nostalgia.
"Most of the stuff we see comes from people's attics and is pretty beat-up but every now and then you'll come across something in good condition, such as a Hopalong Cassidy in its box," he said.
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Oh my! Allowing people to defend themselves is going to cause mayhem!! (US): The New Danger (fourth letter down)

Lincoln will soon be creeping into a world of violence with random shootings, road rage violence and simply shooting people off of their property because these idiots will think "well, since we can carry a weapon, we can use it however we wish!"
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More California mindlessness ...

The QandO Blog (US): American Dystopia

On Friday, I learned that there is now a waiting period for rifles as well. Not only that, but there is a paperwork requirement now that takes an hour to wade through, as well as a computer registration and state DoJ background check-complete with fingerprinting-that is required.
Moreover, because I bought an SKS, there's a raft of requirements I have to know, in order to keep from becoming a felon. For instance, take a look at the rifle.
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Mind/Thought Control Items

If you can control their thoughts, you can control their actions—right?

The Baltimore Sun (US): With kids, obvious isn't true

If you take a look at mass media aimed at teenagers, you start to see a pattern. What topic suffuses teenage prime-time dramas? Sex. Movies aimed at high school boys? Violence. Music popular among the SAT-taking crowd? Sex and violence.
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The state is in control because it owns you. Surrender: Resistance is futile!

News With Views (US): The Meltdown of Public Health and Personal Freedom

When 16-year-old Abraham Cherrix refused to take another round of chemotherapy, his parents quickly found the state wanted custody of their child so they could enforce "health care."
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