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Merry Chistmas, Mice!

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
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Simon Jester
Simon Jester


Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 399, December 24, 2006

Happy Zagmuk!

Marduk, from a Babylonian cylinder seal


The above illustration is in accompaniment to "Mesopotamian Merriment" by Our Publisher, Mr. L. Neil Smith, contained in this very issue that you are reading right now.

I hope everyone will be having very merry holidays this merry holiday season. Once again I'm too broke to buy my wife any presents, but perhaps our kids will come through again this year. Otherwise it would be a gloomy christmas. Yes, it would. It would.

Speaking of last-minute shopping, you can still buy someone you love, like, or are obligated to a last-minute gift in the form of good old Gift Certificates! It's almost a perfect gift, redeemable for millions of items on the Web site. They can be sent via email, getting there with plenty of time for that Christmas morning surprise! And now all you have to do is click on this here link: Gift Certificate

Speaking of gifts, in order that we here at TLE might perhaps pay some of our bills, why not make a money contribution to help keep us going. This month keeping going is looking kind-of grim. This page tells the ways:

There seems to be some kind of problem with Bill of Rights Press, so until the problem gets solved or explained I'm removing them from our advertiser/affilaite link space.

We're taking the next week off, so Issue 400 (!!!) will appear on your screen January 7, 2007. Happy New Year!

Ken Holder

TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
Download for $5.00, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck, or PayPal

(This link may not work—we're trying to get it fixed)
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Press, 2004


Letters to the Editor
Curt Howland, Jim Davidson, Alan R. Weiss, and Jake Witmer

Merry Chistmas, Mice!
by L. Neil Smith
As many of my readers are aware, I'm a Type II diabetic—just as many of them are, as well. There happen to be something like 16-20 million of us in America. Sometimes it seems as though, if you live long enough, your chances of becoming diabetic gradually approach 100 percent.

Loss of Meaningful Rituals = Lack of Responsibility
by Andrew G. Eggleston Sr.
Perhaps I'm off on a tear again but I have something to get off my cerebral cortex, as the title says "Loss of Meaningful Rituals = Lack of Responsibility". This little formula has been kicking around in my brain for some years; I believe it began to take shape in the late eighties when I ran a halfway house for troubled teens (mostly runaways) in the great metropolis of Portland Oregon. The young people who at times seemed to flock to me and mine at a house lovingly referred-to as "The Inferno" after Dante's book of the same name. For many of the same reasons, young people gathered at what was seen as a portal out of hell. Many had been abused (male and female), many had come from intolerant homes, and many were struggling to find a meaning, any meaning, in this life. What we provided most was not food, water or shelter, but a sense of belonging, a sense of structure, and a sense of progression. Those who stayed short-term in turn referred others to our care, some who stayed long-term; stayed from a sense of family and duty to those that came after. As an experiment it would finally fail, but not for lack of anything except money, "ole mighty dollar".

Superstate North America vs. Individual Sovereignty
by Dennis Lee Wilson
The Nationalists have been quite busy tossing red herrings to libertarians. To be accurate, it is actually Nationalists within the libertarian movement who are creating red herrings out of the numerous issues raised by Statists. 2006 was particularly active with three major herrings. Early this year (and still ongoing) it was the allegedly "illegal" immigrant threat to the National Welfare System and National Border "sovereignty", followed by a resurgence of the Great Islamic Terrorist Threat. The latest red herring and great threat is Superstate North America aka the North American Union (NAU). All of these fake issues divert "libertarian" thought away from freedom issues and toward the "need" for a strong National (and Socialist or Fascist) State (in German, it abbreviates to NAZI) with more restrictions on an individual's freedom—for our own protection, of course—that will somehow "protect us" from immigrants, Islamic terrorists and from NAU, all issues which the State is suspiciously involved in creating.

Your Lawn Looked Stupid This Year
by Jonathan David Morris
Can this be the end of stupid Christmas decorations, please? Can 2006 be the last time we celebrate Christmas with giant inflatable snow globes on our front lawns?

Mesopotamian Merriment
by L. Neil Smith
'Tis the season to be whiny. Everywhere you go, what you hear, even above the recorded Christmas Muzak in the mall, are social critics of the self-appointed variety, religious crybabies, and assorted other spoilsports, parasites, and sour apples whimpering over just about every aspect of the winter holidays you can possibly think of.

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