Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 430, August 12, 2007

"What could be worse?"


Poll to Take the Pulse of America About Gun Control
by Bill Koehler

Special to The Libertarian Enterprise

Answer yes or no to all questions:

Question 1) I would rather see my mother raped and murdered than permit her to defend herself with a gun.

Question 2) I would rather see my daughter raped and murdered than permit her to defend herself with a gun.

Question 3) I would rather see my sister raped and murdered than permit her to defend herself with a gun.

Question 4) I would rather see my grandmother raped and murdered than permit her to defend herself with a gun.

Question 5) I would rather see my aunt raped and murdered than permit her to defend herself with a gun.

Question 6) I would rather be sodomized and murdered than to defend myself with a gun.

Any further questions?

Sometimes known as Valentine Michael Smith, Bill Koehler is a freelance social philosopher who lives in the wilds of Darkest Albuquerque.


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