Bill of Rights Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 452, January 20, 2008

"They promise us a world of fear"

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from Frank Ney

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Dave Earnest

Letter from Julius No a.k.a. Robert Jackman

Letter from Scott Bieser

Another Letter from Frank Ney

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: "Letter from Nydra"

> So, it occurs to me: 1) contraceptives are very effective
> now. 2) morning after pills can avoid a 'whoops' pregnancy.
> 3) if the worst happens and a woman is not able to have
> access to the medical procedures she feels necessary, we
> have the Internet now. Is it legal to give away morning
> after pills?

You have to be 18 to buy them pseudo-OTC. What you do afterwards is up to you.

Then again, there is a federal felony law in place that makes pill organizers illegal. I have never heard of it being enforced, but there's always a first time.

> Why couldn't Planned Parenthood or a new group take donations
> or pledges or vouchers for travel? Some States will always be
> legal. The site could link up women in need for access to the
> procedure where it was legal, and no hassle of picketing, or
> worry of doctors and staff being stalked or physically harmed.

If anyone but Ron Paul gets elected on the Repugnican side, just watch. I'll bet a C-Note (That's 100 FRN's) or the equivalent in Au or Ag that whoever runs that web site will be arrested and charged with violating the Mann Act.

Frank Ney

The Old Tyrants

I miss the old tyrants. They taught their people to dream and then led them forth to make these dreams come true. Whether they were the warped and evil dreams of Stalin and Hitler or the pretty and betrayed dreams of Kennedy and Johnson, they offered dreams.

They offered hope.

Of course there was a catch.

Give up your freedom now and we will give you freedom in the future.

Give up prosperity now for prosperity in the future.

Go to war now for peace in the future.

They promised a better future if we were willing to sacrifice our present.

Modern tyrants, at least those in America, offer no such thing. They promise no journeys to Mars, no ends to racial discrimination, no greater prosperity. They basically promise survivable squalor.

They promise us a world in which we really don't need freedom.

They promise us a world of fear, fear of terrorists,fear of war, fear of recession, fear of illness without insurance, fear of our neighbors, fear of a government that we must nevertheless rely on for survival because they try to brainwash us to believe we can't survive without the big G.

I miss the old tyrants.

A.X. Perez

Forwarded from someone else:

The Chicken Business

John the farmer was in the fertilized egg business. He had several hundred young layers (hens), called 'pullets', and ten roosters, whose job it was to fertilize the eggs.

The farmer kept records and any rooster that didn't perform went into the soup pot and was replaced. That took an awful lot of his time, so he bought a set of tiny bells and attached them to his roosters. Each bell had a different tone so John could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing. Now he could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report simply by listening to the bells.

The farmer's favorite rooster was old Butch, a very fine specimen he was, too. But on this particular morning John noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all! John went to investigate.

The other roosters were chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing. The pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover.

But to Farmer John's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one. John was so proud of old Butch, he entered him in the Renfrew County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges.

The result... The judges not only awarded old Butch the No Bell Piece Prize but they also awarded him the Pulletsurprise as well.

Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making: who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the populace And screwing them when they weren't paying attention.

Vote carefully... the bells are not always audible!

Dave Earnest

I finally have a blog

Julius No a.k.a. Robert Jackman

TimePeeper Launches January 15

In 2080, three teen-aged students of Heinlein Memorial High School "borrow" a TimePeeper—a time-traveling device designed for recording past events—and promptly lose it in the past. To avoid discovery and harsh punishment, Bernie, Valerie and Arthur must themselves travel 75 years into the past to retrieve the gadget. But what they encounter in the dark and barbaric year 2005 will completely change their lives.

TimePeeper, a new graphic novel by L. Neil Smith and Sherard Jackson, debuts on the Big Head Press website Tuesday, January 15. The direct link to the story is The story will begin with a 13-page opening chapter on that day and then present a new page every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until the serialization is completed in September.

This sci-fi adventure story offers action, drama, a bit of romance, plus a modest dollop of the libertarian political commentary that is Smith's trademark, according to Big Head Press director Scott Bieser. "This is mainly a teen action story, with some twists, that should appeal to a wide audience," he explained, "but there is also enough classic Smithian brain candy included to satisfy Neil's legion of fans. I like to think of it as a descendant of the Robert Heinlein "juvenile" books."

This will be Smith's third published graphic novel, the previous two being Roswell, Texas, written with Rex F. May and with art by Scott Bieser and Jen Zach; and The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel, which adapts his first prose novel. In addition to the original Probability Broach, Smith has written and published 24 other prose novels (not including foreign editions) since 1980, and has three more in the works, including a prose version of Roswell, Texas.

Sherard Jackson is a 12-year veteran comics artist, and drawing in an engaging "world manga" style. Recent works include Cthulhu Tales: Tainted (BOOM! Studios), Semantic Lace: Ghost Story (Devil's Due Publishing) and Assembly (Antarctic Press). He has also contributed art for role-playing game systems and worked as an animator on the 2006 film "A Scanner Darkly."

Scott Bieser

Re: "Letter from Charlie Acker"

> If this trend persists we should be prepared for universal
>: ankle bracelets, a cold home, no car, and no voice. But
>: mandatory state TV. Now, where have I read about this before...

George Orwell was only a few decades off.

Especially with that proposal in California to make mandatory thermostats that can be controlled from outside the home by the utility/state.

Frank Ney

The Product of a Eunuch

Recently the Bush administration file an amicus curia brief in the Heller v. District of Columbia case. While allegedly supporting Heller (the DC gun ban violates the 2nd amendment) it appears to use most of its language reiterating the idea that the government may in fact regulate gun ownership in the name of "public safety." Apparently they have problems with the definition of the phrase "shall not be infringed. This doesn't surprise me, it is the nature of government lawyers to try to get around having to abide by the Constitution they were sworn to enforce. There is a class of lawyers whose whole purpose in life is to find ways for their clients of weaseling out of contracts. Of course the government has its share.

However I am inclined by nature to be charitable. For the sake of argument I will concede that the Solicitor General was trying to say that even in light of this claimed power the Washington DC ban goes too far. Not a problem. Conceding the other guys' premise and then showing that their facts and arguments don't support this premise is an old debater's trick. One would expect a fancy "gummint" lawyer to apply it.

Thomas Jefferson even used it in the Declaration of Independence, admitting that some would argue that armed rebellion and declaring independence were unnecessary, just before he listed all the complaints against King and Parliament that made these actions necessary.

In this list he speaks of opposing the King's abuses of power "with manly firmness."

Tyranny must be opposed with manly firmness. As a defense of the right of honest (and even most dishonest) people to keep and ear arms this brief is incredibly testosterone deprived (please note that women also have testosterone and use it far more than the author of this brief appears to, assuming he is a supporter of the Second Amendment). I will concede that if I was this low on testosterone I would not need the right to keep and bear arms as I wouldn't have the testicularity to use them.

The defense of freedom does require the occasional display of testicular fortitude. As a defense of the right to keep and bear arms the brief filed by Mr. Bush's lawyer qualifies as the product of a eunuch.

To be charitable.

A.X. Perez

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