On the Completion of Roswell, Texas
Illustrated with Photographs

(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

A Feature of NetPlanetNews.com
A Reader Supported Web Magazine

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Number 454, February 3, 2008
"I wanna live in YOUR Texas!"

Roswell, Texas
Roswell, Texas



Roswell Texas

Well, ladies and gents, boys and girls, we're happy to present for your reading pleasure The Roswell, Texas Special Edition of The Libertarian Enterprise. Issue Number .454 Casull. Stand back, it's a whomper! (I want a hat just like that!)

In other news, my wife—Dangerous Pat—goes in for a little heart surgical procedure on Wednesday. Cardiac catheterization Angiogram stuff is now "routine", but still, if you're a finger- crossing type, please cross some fingers; if you're a candle- lighting type, please light a few; if you're a praying type, send out one or two. Just in case, you understand. After all, it's now "routine" after all.

In other news, I see by the clock on the wall it is now time to remind all of our Readers that we're are a Reader Supported little magazine, and if you can and will, please send us some support:


There is even a handy monthly subscription you can sign-up for at PayPal that will take care of things with a minimum of personal fuss.

Additional news is that Scott Bieser had his computer up and crash on him, so the next episode of The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton will not show up until next week. Hang in there, Scott, all will be well. (Good thing this was a Special Issue!)

No letters in this issue. They will be back next time along with all our other regular forms and shapes. A Special Issue this is, so enjoy!

Ken Holder


Roswell Texas


On the Completion of Roswell, Texas
Illustrated with Photographs
by L. Neil Smith
The work, as far as I know, is unique, unprecedented in the annals of graphic novelia (hey, I'm an author—I can make up words if I want) and may also be the most detailed and widely-reaching alternate history tale in literature. I'm extremely proud to have been a part of it as co-author of the original story and principle adaptor to comic form.

Review of Roswell, Texas
by Darian Worden
Roswell, Texas, the webcomic about an alternate-universe Roswell incident, has recently concluded. I enjoyed a ton, and I will miss it.

Roswell, Texas
by Kent McManigal
I have been interested in the Roswell, New Mexico UFO story since I first heard about it in the early 1970s while living in Waco, Texas (not in the mid-80s when some people try to say the story really started). Since I began life on Earth in the region of Roswell, New Mexico, it made more of an impression with me than it might have otherwise. Not to start any rumors, but it might explain some things....

Remarks on Roswell, Texas
by E.J. Totty
I was asked to write something appropriate concerning Mr. Smith's and other's efforts regarding the subject matter. And, I hasten to add: By "others," I don't in any way seek to diminish their respective contributions to what might well be described as the tour de force of story telling through illustrative works yet seen!

Review of Roswell, Texas
by A.X. Perez
I'm 54, too old for comic books. I bought the graphic novel version of PB (PBTGN). While he was serializing PBTGN through the Big Head Press website he began another graphic novel, Roswell, Texas.

Shorter Reviews and Comments on Roswell, Texas
by Frank Ney, Chris Claypoole and Curt Howland
A wonderful romp through historical figures, used and abused on a whim.

More Shorter Reviews and Comments on Roswell, Texas
by Bear Jones, MamaLiberty, Golden Bear, and A.X. Perez
My daughter's a librarian, and I recommended that she get the print version when it comes out this summer. I expect that she will.

Photos from the Roswell, Texas Dinner
by L. Neil Smith
With many thanks to Our Glorious Leader, Frank Bieser, here are the best photos taken at our dinner at the Fort Collins Johnny Carino's, Sunday, January 13, 2008.

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