How the Left Destroys Anti-War Movements
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

A Feature of
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Number 460, March 16, 2008
"Collectivism is despicable"

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton, pt 13
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton, part 13
by Scott Bieser

(see below!)



No surgery last week. A sort of melt-down in the arrangements, which we thought were all arranged. Now new arrangements are being arranged. Surgical consult in a week and a half or so. Surgery later then. Just nothing like an uncertain wait to get on yer nerves, eh? And multiple trips to and from Phoenix, which is a 4-hour drive, one-way.

Speaking of nerves, I hate to keep asking, but a little extra donation cash might come in handy in a couple of weeks. If and only if y'all can afford it, of course. And as a regular weekly online eMagazine, we depend on Support from our Readers. That's YOU, Dear Reader. If possible:

Don't forget to click on our links to places that will sell you stuff you want and need. We get a bit of a commission off that, too. Not enough to live on, alas. But it helps! And thank you to our Clickers and Supporters!

Ken Holder

P.S.: don't forget our Publisher's Note: A Call For "Papers"

Time Peeper


Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Jim Davidson, Ken Valentine, Brian Nickerson, Scott Graves, E.J. Totty, Kendrick McPeters, A.X. Perez, Pam Maltzman, and Marc V. Ridenour

How the Left Destroys Anti-War Movements
The Kaptain's Log

by Kaptain Kanada, aka Manuel Miles
Several years ago, as the US empire was preparing to invade Iraq, huge anti-war demonstrations took place all over the world. Within weeks of the "Mission Accomplished" cake walk, however, those demonstrations dwindled and, finally, all but disappeared. So much energy was lost. Why? Where did it go?

Tell Us How You Really Feel
by A.X. Perez
Heller comes up for argument this coming Tuesday (18 March 2008). It is to be hoped that the Supreme Court will make a clear, strong statement one way or the other on whether or not the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. Of course, almost everyone reading TLE believes that RKBA is a natural, God given right, an inherent and necessary condition of being human.

Do Iraqi Puppies Hate Our Freedom and Democracy?
by Doug Newman
America, we are told, is Fighting A Holy War Not Only For Our Own National Survival But For The Survival Of Western Civilization Against Radical Islamofascist Terrorist Fundamentalist Extremists Who Hate Us And Our Freedom And Democracy And Who Want To Take Away That Freedom And Democracy And Undermine Our Very Way Of Life And KILL US ALL! Do these devils incarnate include Iraqi puppies?

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton, Part 13
by Scott Bieser
The Planet Klepton—a strange world dominated by thieves and scammers and ruled by an elite class know as The Sonzabitches. . .

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