Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 478, July 27, 2008

"Our would-be keepers in both 'major'
parties want you to accept a lower
standard of living, and begin a long
slide back into the Dark Ages"

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Stop Voting!
by Russell D. Longcore

Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise

This election cycle has become interminably long and boring. The worst possible candidates from the Republican and Democrat parties have floated to the top, much like what you see when you glance down into a toilet bowl.

This situation in which the nation finds itself is not uncommon. The state primaries, caucuses and major party conventions have a long and checkered history of corruption. Primaries, caucuses and conventions have been occurring for scores of decades.

The "political system" virtually guarantees that the most corrupt, the best liars, the most compromising, becomes the presumptive candidate. Both candidates are also the politician of their party most willing to violate the Constitution by continuing an unlawful war, and by initiating and approving the highest amount of unconstitutional Federal spending.

There's an old saying, "Actions speak louder than words." Said another way, "If you want to know what a person values, don't listen to what they say, only watch what they do." Think about it. The political system in America is populated with men and women who give lip service to the Constitution, but then go on to vote for every unconstitutional spending bill presented to them. They talk about the virtues of our constitutional republic, and then act to subvert and violate that very system of government.

A pure constitutionalist has no place, and no political base, in America in 2008. Consider the candidacy of Rep. Ron Paul during the Republican primary season. Paul couldn't get arrested, much less have a legitimate shot at winning or even to be noticed by mainstream media.

Our Constitution never meant for the Presidency to be decided by popular vote. That is why the Electoral College was invented. The Amendment that changed the elections to popular majority made the Electoral College somewhat superfluous.

So why do I strongly urge you to stop Voting?

1. The illegitimacy of the vote. Look at the situation of paper ballots versus electronic voting. It has been proved beyond doubt that voting machines all across America have been manipulated to change outcomes of elections. In light of the proven fact that you cannot be sure your vote counts, why continue voting?

2. Illegitimacy part II. Consider the incontrovertible facts of national elections...and many times, state and local elections. In 2004, about 125 million people had their votes counted. (many hundreds of thousands more people actually voted, but their votes did not count for a variety of reasons...don't get me started!) But elections for decades now break in this statistical fashion;

40% vote Republican
40% vote Democrat
20% undecided are in the middle.

Realistically, the Republican and Democrat voting blocks cancel each other out automatically. So if you're a registered Republican or Democrat, your vote is wasted. The time you spend voting is wasted. Tell that to all of the people you know who tell you that voting for a third party candidate is a wasted vote!

It is the 20% in the middle that decides the election. Specifically, 10% plus one vote decides the winnner.

Look at the rough numbers from the 2004 Presidential race:

Total votes 125,000,000
Republican 50,000,000
Democrat 50,000,000
Undecided 25,000,000

"Undecided" statistically splits in half:

Winner 12,500,001 (10% plus one vote)
Loser 12,499,999 (10% minus one vote)

So, in a nation of 300 million people, a little over 12 million people, or 4%, actually decide the Presidential election.

The statistics fall much the same in any election in which a candidate identifies with a political party. If you have a local state legislative race where Republicans and Democrats face each other, that race will be decided in much the same way as a national race.

3. Consider that, under Robert's Rules of Order, an organization holding a vote must have a quorum in place for the vote to be legitimate. But, in American political elections, where's the quorum?

Presidential candidates regularly consider their election "a mandate from the people." But think about this: How small would the total number of voters have to be before a candidate would refuse to take office? If 100 million voters stayed away from the polls in November, and only 25 million nationwide voted instead of 125 million...would the winning candidate shun the victory? My gut feeling is that the candidate would still accept the outcome. And why not? There's NOTHING in the law that I know of that prevents the winner from taking office...a veritable bottomless pit.

With an election system in place in America that is hopelessly corrupt, participation as a voter only encourages those in power...and those seeking continue with the corrupt and illegitimate election system.

So, if you continue voting, you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Copyright © 2008 by Russell D. Longcore, All Rights Reserved.

Russell D. Longcore is one of those rare individuals who found the perfect career and loves every minute of his work. Russell has an insurance claims practice in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. In his career, he has handled claims as simple as a water leak in a home, and as complicated as multi-million dollar commercial property and liability losses. Russell has a breadth of knowledge and wisdom about insurance, money and life, and writes widely about those issues in publications, newspapers, magazines and blogs. He is married to "his redhead" Julie, and has three wonderful children, and three even more wonderful grandchildren.

Russell's Life Philosophy: I give value first. I help other people. I strive to be the best
at what I love to do. I establish long-term relationships with everyone. I have fun...
and I do that every day.

Russell can be reached at:

Abigail Morgan Austin Publishing Company
1750 Powder Springs Road, Suite 190
Marietta, Georgia 30064
Also, my blog is at:
Nominated for Georgia Author of the Year Award 2008


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