The War on the Border
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

Official Journal of the National Recall Coordinating Committees

A Reader Supported Web Magazine
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Number 509, March 8, 2009
"A bust has become a panic and is
well on its way to becoming a rout."

A Matter of Gravity
A Matter of Gravity
by Rex May (note new URL)
Stuff for sale:



Several people have recommended I should point our Readers to to David Kretzmann's site. So I just did. And, while I was thinking about it, I added some links to blogs run by our "fellow travelers" on the road to liberty. Feel free to suggest more or better. I just threw this list up in a hurry, on an empty stomach, yet.

Since L. Neil Smith can't find a publisher interested in his new book Ceres (sequel to Pallas), he's going to start putting it up one chapter at a time beginning next Monday March 16. Spread the word, and next issue I'll have the exact URL for you. Cool, eh!

Reader-Supported publication, you know. Donations accepted, including by monthly subscription:

and your clicking on our AdBrite and Google AdSense links will generate some revenue for us, as will clicking on our affiliate links and buying yourself some stuff. Everybody needs stuff, right? Right! And we've got links to all kinds of stuff, some of which you'll surely need, right? Right!

And now, welcome to issue 509.

Ken Holder

Time Peeper


Letters to the Editor
from A.X Perez, Tatiana Covington, and Crazy Al

The War on the Border
by L. Neil Smith
Staggering under the crushing burden of two shooting wars in the Middle East, America now finds herself increasingly involved in a third deadly conflict, this one directly south of her border with Mexico. Nearly eight thousand individuals—goodguys (however you define the term), badguys, innocent bystanders—have been killed so far.

Care, Feeding, and Use of the Defensive Autopistol
by Ron Beatty
I decided to write this article due to the huge numbers of people buying new guns, once it became apparent that Obama was going to be elected. However, those of us who have been using guns all our lives could do with some review, as well.

Stand Up On Yer Own Hind Laigs
by Paul Bonneau
I was having one of those forum discussions, when federal farm programs came up. I pointed out that most farmers and ranchers are welfare queens. Well, this didn't sit very well with one rancher who started flaming me. I had to laugh though, because if he thought I was just a nut or an idiot he would have just blown the whole thing off and ignored me. But he "doth protest too much", as Shakespeare put it, which meant he knew it was true and didn't like to hear the truth. The truth hurt.

On Stock Market Conditions
by Jim Davidson
As stocks continue to decline, the "bottoming process" appears to be entirely imaginary. A bust has become a panic and is well on its way to becoming a rout. To get a sense of where things are going, let's take a brief look at some of the damage so far. We already know about major stocks like Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers either failing utterly or declining to the point where they've been bought out.

"Hill and Dale in Slumber Steeping"
by A.X Perez
Last summer my dog Petie, the pit bull in the rose bush, died of old age and cancer. She would have hated this winter, none of the nights got cold enough for me to bring her in to sleep.

Just Who is the Useful Idiot, Here?
by L. Neil Smith
There's always a critic lurking in the wainscotting. For quite some time, I have debated with myself the advisability of what I am about to do here. Those who know me well know I'm not afraid of a fight online—a flamewar—in fact I relish it all too well.

Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 14 of a weekly cartoon series.

Tom Paine Maru
Tom Paine Maru

(Click to buy at
Hope cover

(Click to buy at

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last
of Klepton

Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas

by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008
The Probability Broach:
The Graphic Novel

by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004

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