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The Plan
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

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Number 584, August 22, 2010
"The United States of America are in trouble"

Illegal Cartoonists
Illegal Cartoonists
by Rex May

L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.



Birthday, Smirthday, you're as old as you feel! Oh... that's really bad news, then.

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The Crystal Empire is now avalable from Amazon.com in the Phoenix Pick Edition reprint.

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"The Moratorium"

The graphical novel Phoebus Krumm by L. Neil Smith, Scott Bieser and the artist known as ~3~ is now appearing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at:


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Ken Holder


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Time Peeper


Nullification Act

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Letters to the Editor
from Bill St. Clair, Neale Osborn, L. Neil Smith, A Reader Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous, A Different Anonymous, and Rex "Baloo" May

The Plan
by L. Neil Smith
The United States of America are in trouble. To some, it is a horrible surprise. Many others have helplessly watched it coming for years. At the most fundamental levels, with regard to its continued national and cultural existence, in both economic and philosophical terms, this country is in vastly worse danger at this moment, than it was during the so-called Great Depression or the War Between the States.

Peak Culture
by Jim Davidson
The height of their society peaked in 1969. They used militarism and socialism to put two guys on the Moon, they trotted out their public-private partnership (Concorde) to build exclusive supersonic transport for the rich. Max Faget and some other brilliant engineers designed a space shuttle fleet of ten vehicles capable of hundreds of flights a year to make access to low Earth orbit cheap and routine. And the Advanced Research Projects Agency had some geeks create an inter-networking protocol that could survive a nuclear war.

Follow Principles, Not People
by Bob Wallace
I sometimes idly entertain myself with fantasies that it should be legal to kill politicians for any reason. I personally like the idea of carrying a katana, like in the "Kill Bill" movies. After all, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty (can I even use that word anymore?) it is either us or them.

I used to hate gays, then I grew up -- Stories of Frank and George
by Neale Osborn
I grew up in New jersey, your average kid in the resort area I lived in. My father was a plumber, my mom worked in a bank. they tried to raise us right, but like all parents, they made mistakes occasionally. My parents claimed to be racism free, but always said they wouldn't want me to marry a black girl, because "Eventually, it'll be socially acceptable, but I don't want YOU to go through that stigma, nor your kids." I did date a black girl a couple of times, but SHE listened to her brothers, and stopped seeing me. I learnes that "towelheads" are violent psychos, "spics" are generally shiftless, but will work really hard for short times for little pay, and that young blacks will steal anything that isn't nailed down. I learned these things at school, mostly. My father and I stood on the front porch of the first black man to move into the neighborhood, and helped drive off sheetheads bent on burning a cross. So we weren't bad, just not as good as we thought. But gays weren't to be tolerated.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 90
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 90 of a weekly cartoon series.

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

The Venus Belt cover
The Venus Belt

by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Paperback, 166 Pages
Click cover pic to buy from Amazon.com

Crystal Empire cover
The Crystal Empire

by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Paperback, 378 Pages
Click cover pic to buy from Amazon.com

Tom Paine Maru
Tom Paine Maru

(Click to buy at Amazon.com)
Reprinted by PhoenixPick.com (An Imprint of Arc Manor)
Hope cover

(Click to buy at Amazon.com)
Reprinted by PhoenixPick.com (An Imprint of Arc Manor)

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last
of Klepton

Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas

by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008

The Probability Broach:
The Graphic Novel

by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004


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