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Literary Doings
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

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Official Journal of the National Recall Coordinating Committees

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Number 595, November 14, 2010
"The secession of the individual from the state"


L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.



This issue is slightly late. Couldn't be helped. You know how these things are.

Remember, L. Neil Smith's Pallas can be ordered at Amazon.com for delivery to your. Click [HERE]

Be sure an look at "L. Neil Smith's Little Gold Book" on the web at www.where-we-stand.com.

L. Neil Smith's complete novel Ceres is now on the web at [this link]

Mr. Smith's work is featured on "The Heart of the Matter" website at www.matterheart.com

Ken Holder


Time Peeper


Nullification Act

Classified Ads
Three ads this week

Letters to the Editor
from Adrian, Paul Bonneau, E.J. Totty, and A.X. Perez

Literary Doings
by L. Neil Smith
This was a good week. I was in the process of dealing with the publisher's copy-edited version of my new vampire novel Sweeter Than Wine, when I received e-mail from my old friend Michael Grossberg HMFWIC at the Libertarian Futurists Society, to the effect that my epic "Ngu Family Saga" novel Ceres (a sequel to Pallas) had been nominated for the Prometheus Award.

Nullification is Statism, Withdrawal is Agorism
by Jim Davidson
Recently, I was asked (again) to criticise and evaluate Tom Woods's strategy of nullification. Reluctant as I am to confront the Campaign for Liberty and the Rockwell enthusiasts, it seems necessary to examine this horrid set of ideas.

Concealed Carry For the Modern American, Some Thoughts
by Neale Osborn
My wife is forcing me, against my will, to get a CCW. I don't acknowledge the right of the state to grant this right, as the 2nd Amendment states "The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not be Infringed", and being forced to buy a license IS infringing. But she's tired of my bitching about the license, and thinks I need to carry as the society deteriorates, so we're gonna get the licenses together. Her choice will be the S&W model 660 stainless Chief's Special snub nosed .38 with Federal Nyclad Hollowpoints. Mine will be a Colt Officer's ACP in .45acp, with Federal Hydrashoks jacketed Hollowpoints. Today, we're going to talk CCW choices, both the weapon and the method of carry.

Temet Nosce
by Boyd W. Smith
When one wants to see one's self a mirror is used. And that works for a single person. If the mirror is large enough, two, three or even more may look at the same time. But when you wish to have thousands look at themselves, a mirror just does not do. Then it takes something else. In this case a study done by 5 people at 3 different universities has taken an admitted important first step in understanding the physiology and morality of Libertarians.

The TSA—A Modest Proposal
by Simon Jester
I was reading some of the many stories about the TSA, and I came across optoutday.com—then I got an idea...

by A.X. Perez
A while back I was reading several articles courtesy of Rex May regarding multiculturalism. Mr. May provided a link to ex-army.blogspot.com where this issue was being discussed. Others have brought this up before, especially regarding how Muslims demand respect for their rights in non-Muslim societies on grounds of multiculturalism but are somewhat less willing to practice respect for non-Muslim cultural values when they have enough power to force their will on others.

Maybe It Wasn't The GOP, But The Tea Party That Won
by James Glaser
The Republicans are all puffed up because they took control of the House and gained seats in the Senate, but all that puffiness might just deflate when the new legislators start voting. The following is a list of the winning Tea Party candidates that the GOP is claiming for their own. According to ABC News, these winners were either endorsed by the Tea Party or were closely associated with them.

by A.X. Perez
The death sentence is about revenge, not justice. The only "justice" involved is making sure you got the right guy. I have nothing against revenge. I am of the opinion that it is better to seek justice than revenge, but sometimes this is not possible. Then you get revenge and it's a good thing.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 100
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 100 of a weekly cartoon series.

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!


The Venus Belt cover
The Venus Belt

by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Paperback, 166 Pages
Click cover pic to buy from Amazon.com

Crystal Empire cover
The Crystal Empire

by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Paperback, 378 Pages
Click cover pic to buy from Amazon.com

Tom Paine Maru
Tom Paine Maru

(Click to buy at Amazon.com)
Reprinted by PhoenixPick.com (An Imprint of Arc Manor)
Hope cover

(Click to buy at Amazon.com)
Reprinted by PhoenixPick.com (An Imprint of Arc Manor)

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last
of Klepton

Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas

by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008

The Probability Broach:
The Graphic Novel

by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004


Forge of the Elders: Okay, Here's the Deal

A Brilliant Idea

Another Goddamned Idea

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