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Letters to the Editor
from Dana Majewski, Stephan Segeth, L. Neil Smith, A.X. Perez, Jim Davidson, and Seth Cohn
Let George Do It
by L. Neil Smith
Will Rogers was a stand-up political commentator in the 1920s and
30s, and a folksy popular mouthpiece for the early Franklin Roosevelt Administration.
Debt Peonage Returns
by Jim Davidson
In 2005, Congress changed the bankruptcy code to guarantee the profits
of the big banks. Student loans may no longer be discharged in bankruptcy court. So, lenders
are guaranteed 7% returns and the borrowers get the shaft.
The Second Amendment: Does Anybody Get It?
by Russell D. Longcore
The so-called conservatives say that there should be no restrictions
to keep and bear arms for Americans. They say that it's all about self-protection. The
so-called liberals beat the drum for outright bans on firearms, saying that disarming
Americans will make our nation safer. Both of them are wrong.
The Slow Learners
by Jim Davidson
Let's go over the facts, again, for the slow learners. The government
does not pretend to represent anyone except possibly that portion of 86.8 million Americans
who voted in November 2010.
The Primacy of Consciousness in Action
by C. Jeffery Small
Whether held consciously or implicitly, everyone operates from an
underlying set of ideasa philosophy — that has practical consequences.
Each person's philosophic system rest upon a foundation which presumes a position about
the fundamental nature of reality, and throughout human history there have been two dominant
and opposing schools of thought....
A Sickness Called Dictatorship
by Jim Davidson
One of the groups that purports to represent "Occupy Kansas City" on
Facebook is moderated and administered by authoritarians. They have deleted many threads. Anyone
who objects to threads being deleted is treated as an enemy of "the people" by which they mean
the people who administer the group. Threads started by myself and Hudson Luce, among others,
have been deleted, along with many comments. The problem here, of course, is that the debate
is being "managed" by wicked authoritarians who have evil intentions, do not accept the
concept of dissent, want to prevent individuals from speaking out, and refuse to allow ideas
they disagree with to be discussed. In other words, they are as bad, or worse than, the existing
Life, Libertythen Property
by Bob Wallace
The Constitutional phrase, "life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness" came from the writings of John Locke, specifically his long essay,
"Concerning Civil Government," although Locke wrote (and I paraphrase here) "life,
liberty and property."
An Excerpt from Blade of p'Na
A New Novel by L. Neil Smith
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: at the behest of the victim's fiancé, Shaalara of the
Alteen Zirnaath, p'Nan Moral Debt Assessor Eichra Oren is investigating the disappearance of
Meerltchirt of the Fronzeln Zirnaath, a sapient spider about the size of a dog, one of the
"Appropriated Persons" whose ancestors were abducted from their own branches of probability
by the nautiloid "Elders". The story is told by Oasam Otusam, better known as Sam, a cybernetically
enhanced Samoyed who is Eichra Oren's symbiotic companion and friend.]
Liam Fox: Another Zombie Falls off the Roof
by Sean Gabb
It is, I think, a year since I last wrote anything about British politics.
This is not because I have been idle. During the past twelve months, I have written or published
eight books. Three of these have been substantial novels, and two of the novels are overtly
libertarian. This alone might absolve me from my duty, as Director of the Libertarian Alliance,
to give a running commentary on the issues of the day. But the real cause is that I am, for the
moment, tired of watching how this country is governed. I feel less inclined to denounce than
simply to look away.
by Jim Davidson
On Wednesday 5 October, I had a conversation with a fire fighter. I
gather that he works for a fire department in the Kansas City, Missouri area. Generally
speaking, I am in favour of fighting fires.In a world of voluntary associations, I believe
that the early 19th Century practise of having fires fought by the trained teams deployed
by insurance companies and mutual aid societies would return, and that other cooperative
groups, including spontaneous cooperation at need, would arise. The United States continues
to have a great many effective volunteer fire fighting groups, especially in rural areas.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 147
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 147 of a weekly cartoon series.