Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 652, January 8, 2012

"The old-fashioned, traditional, right-left
spectrum doesn't work as a description of the
political world around us, and it never did."

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Flash Editorials January 7, 2012
by Russell D. Longcore
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

The time for Secession is coming to your neighborhood very soon. Read on.

The Nation: The theater production called the Iowa Caucuses is over, with Romney winning by an eyelash over Rick "No Chance in Hell" Santorum. The vote tabulation was done in an undisclosed location, not in easy view of voters and vote watchers. Even though I suspect massive vote fraud, Ron Paul still got over 21%. The neocon leadership had been openly announcing for two weeks that they would not allow Ron Paul to win Iowa. They weren't lying.

The Nation II The right third party candidate could win this election. And I submit that the right candidate would be Ron Paul. It would be even better if he chose his son as his running mate, Senator Rand Paul. I also submit that any third party that does not offer a substantive anti-Washington choice would be a waste of time and money, and would likely place Obama back in the White House. But I believe that Ron Paul as a third party choice could beat both Republicans and Democrats. There is only one man that is an actual conservative, obey the Constitution, shrink the Federal government candidate available. Ron Paul. I believe that if a Ron Paul/Rand Paul candidacy emerged, they could take 35% in November 2012. The biggest problem is getting on the ballots. They could go write-in, but that's unlikely. The state-to-state election rules have been written expressly to keep viable candidates out of the races. The other big challenge is the electoral college. Paul would have to take some pretty big states to win.

The Nation III My prediction of the presidential election in November 2012 is that no matter which candidate the Republican Party chooses, the Republicans will win in an astonishing landslide. Barack Obama may not win in a single state. This will be the widest margin of victory in American history. In addition, a wave of Republicans will win in Congressional and Senate races. But don't think for a moment that this will divert the American train from the economic derailment ahead. Just a different crew on the train when it crashes.

International: The insane nations of the West continue to threaten Iran with economic sanctions to punish Iran for having a nuclear fuel program. Meanwhile, Iran sells the West oil and natural gas. All Iran must do is to stop delivering to the West and sell it to China. Oil prices will quickly hit $400 per barrel and a gallon of gasoline will cost $15-$20.

International II: A Japanese restauranteur paid over $736,000 for ONE single Blue Fin Tuna caught off the Japanese coast this week. This 592 pound fish, once cut up, could cost 5,000 Yen per slice.

Business: Ann Barnhardt posted articles this week that showed how the MF Global debacle is beginning to cause huge waves in the commodities markets. Here's the problem. A grain farmer sells his harvest to a grain dealer who keeps it in a grain storage facility, like a grain elevator. The farmer gets paid as the grain sells over time. And the grain broker sells or buys futures contracts, which are nothing more than bets on what prices will be like in the future. If the broker is right, he makes money. But if he's wrong, he's got to settle a margin call. Recently, futures brokers are finding it tough to find those who will play the game. And if a broker goes bankrupt, the farmer cannot just back his truck up to the elevator door and take back his harvest. The stored grain becomes assets of the broker to be liquidated. The farmer stands at the back of the line of creditors, hold his warehouse receipts and futures contracts in one hand and his balls in the other.

MF Global was one gigantic futures bet that they lost. And MF was using its own customers' segregated funds to bet with, which is worthy of jail time or death.

The commodities marketplace is so leveraged that it will not be able to meet margin calls (or collateral calls) if futures contracts implode. This is yet another financial market that is likely to collapse, and with its collapse, could trigger the complete economic collapse of the US economy and the Dollar. It is inevitable, friends. When the system is built on debt, fiat money and fractional reserve banking, those three things will take it down. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Business II: More about MF Global. The Feds have turned the bankruptcy proceedings upside down, and set the stage for the confiscation of YOUR money in bank accounts, retirement accounts, and stock market accounts. In the MF bankruptcy, the Feds are placing the other big banks at the front of the line of creditors. The customers of MF who had their money invested through MF, and in escrow accounts, are not even being allowed to stand in line. That means the customer's money is going to be used as assets to pay off the other big financial institutions, not the assets of the corporation. This sets a precedent previously unknown in Bankruptcy law. That also means that when the other big financial institutions fail, depositors and investors will have their assets confiscated to pay off other people's debts. If you have paper assets in any financial instrument whatsoever, you now have a new market risk. That is the market risk of no Rule of Law. The very government agencies that you would run to for protection are now the agencies dedicated to screwing you. You will have no recourse. Your only option is to get your assets changed from paper to hard currency and take delivery at home or at a local depository.

Shameless Plug: Heard about SOPA yet? The Stop Online Piracy Act purports to protect intellectual property on the Internet, but critics say the bill will give the entertainment industry the power to censor your website it THEY deem that you are infringing somebody's copyright. They could actually block your domain name or Internet Protocol (IP) address. Don't expect your Congressman to read this bill. They don't read bills anymore. Bob Parsons, Founder of, took an early position in favor of SOPA. But the "free market" spoke to him, and he pulled his support. We here at are completely opposed to SOPA, and we know that the law is unconstitutional. Come see us for all your domain registry and webhosting needs.

Economy: Friday night's network news broadcasts were all a dither with the announcement that the unemployment rate had dropped to 8.5% just since last month. What they did not speak about is the 372,000 NEW unemployment claims in the last seven days, or the fact that the new unemployment claims numbers were above 400,000 WEEKLY for the last six months. Folks, if you do not see how stupid Washington thinks YOU ARE, you're lying to yourself. These monthly unemployment numbers are entirely fabricated by this Administration. Remember that when an unemployed person's weekly benefits expire, Washington stops counting them in the numbers. They also do not count persons who are unemployed but have part-time jobs. The REAL unemployment rate is above 18% nationally, and in certain places like Detroit, is FAR HIGHER.

Sports: I predict that the 2012 Superbowl will be the New Orleans Saints against the Green Bay Packers, and the Saints will win. But for this weekend...playoffs, Baby.

Entertainment: This weekend, I am filling out my final ballot for the Grammy Awards. Your editor has recorded 17 CDs on the Telarc label with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. Five of those CDs have won Grammy Awards. I am a First Tenor in the Chorus. I joined the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences in 1998 after winning the first Grammy and have been voting for the Grammy Awards ever since. Some hobby, eh?

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

© Copyright 2012, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Russell D. Longcore is an insurance claims consultant based in Marietta, Georgia. He is the author of the hot-selling book, "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" which has been a Number One book at Amazon continuously since October 2007. His second book, "Commercial Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" has just been released in Ebook format."

Russell also owns, an insurance quote service offering competitive insurance quotes for every kind of insurance imaginable. What sets this website apart from all other quote sites is that Russell also shows consumers how to take control of their insurance claims and add hundreds or even thousands more dollars to their claim settlements.

Russell also owns, a domain registry and web hosting company.

Russ can be reached at: [email protected] Get books at Amazon or go to: Russell's blogs are at: and

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