Alongside Night: The Motion Picture
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

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Number 730, July 21, 2013

Cops? It looks like an army!
It says "Police" but it looks like an army


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 4 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from Jeff Fullerton, L. Neil Smith, Neale Osborn, A.X. Perez, Ex-Army, and TJ Mason

Alongside Night: The Motion Picture
by L. Neil Smith
Too many years ago to think about comfortably, I made a convention speech in Phoenix entitled "You Can't Fight a Culture War If You Ain't Got Any Culture" (and yes, I am aware that it should have been "No Culture"). Well here's the news, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, and everybody else in between: the libertarian movement has plenty of culture. Its latest manifestation has arrived in the form of a motion picture version of J. Neil Schulman's long-beloved novel, Alongside Night, a prophetic story of a revolution brought on by a monetary crisis, the sort of crisis seven billion people are living through today.

Not Exactly a Review
by Tomas L. Knapp
The Power of Habeas Corpus in America: From the King's Prerogative to the War on Terror by Anthony Gregory (Independent Institute / Cambridge University Press, 2013)—I first encountered Anthony Gregory's work back at the beginning of the decade, on—if I recall correctly—LewRockwell.Com. At the time I considered him the most promising young libertarian writer around, and I've seen nothing in the intervening years to change that evaluation. He writes well, he keeps it interesting and his arguments are morally compelling and thorough in their logic. That's true of his short pieces to this very day, and it's true of his first book.

Colorado, Interrupted: Why I Support the Secessionist Movement
by Jonathan David Morris
I have never been to Colorado. It's possible I've flown over it, because I've been to the west coast several times. But: (a) I don't know, and never will; and (b) there's a difference between going to and going through a place anyway.

To Those on Social Security
by Paul Bonneau
Many people on Socialist Security (I can hardly think of it as "Social" any more) have come to the realization, or at least the uncomfortable suspicion, that they are on the dole. I guess this is kinda hard to miss these days, although I won't expand on reasons why in this article (use a search engine). Assuming it's the case for the reader—that is, he's aware it is a form of dole—the question then becomes, what to do about it?

by Danilo D'Antonio
When the various Countries of the world became democrats, the minorities who inherited from previous regimes the assignments of the Public Functions for the course of their whole life, instead to return them to the citizens as demanded democracy, continued to keep them for themselves. With the occurred democracies, these primaries collective resources would have to start to be participated by TEMPORARY assignments. Their hoarders, instead, took advantage of positions of power to keep the undue privileges of the tyrannical era.

Saint Traryvon and Niven's First Law
by Rich Matarese
I'm a science fiction fan. Most people are mundanes. They don't read SF much, they don't consider speculative fiction the cutting-edge genre in modern literature, and they're largely illiterate in the sciences and in scientific method.

From The Rust Belt to Matagorda & Back Again:
a History Lesson and Hope for the Future of Freedom

by Jeff Fullerton
Welcome to Matagorda Island. An interesting strip of land also referred to as a sand split or barrier island off the coast of Texas that was acquired by the War Department as a bombing range during World War II. Later became an Air Force installation and eventually a federal wildlife refuge.

Survival Sheath Systems
Reviewed by L. Neil Smith
Over the years, I've worn dozens of different kinds of holsters. Half of them I've designed and made, myself. And in the particular instance of knife sheaths, I hardly have one I haven't drastically altered, usually to bring the crossguard (if there is one) up to belt level. When I was doing this for a living, more than a few of my efforts showed up at Jeff Cooper's American Pistol Institute, where one famous instructor, retired law enforcement officer Bruce Nelson, who designed the great "Askins Avenger" line for Bianchi International, declared me to be "the fourth or fifth best holster-maker in America". The point here isn't to brag—I haven't made holsters commercially for a very long time—but to demonstrate that I know a good thing when I see it. And seen it I have.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 236
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 236 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act

List of WikiLeaks mirrors:
Exposing War Crimes is NOT a crime!
Free Bradley Manning
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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.

More about L. Neil Smith
Even more about L. Neil Smith

The unabridged audio version of my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector, brilliantly read by the great libertarian radio host Brian Wilson, is finally available for purchase.

Many feel that this is the funniest book I've written so far—at least intentionally—and features our old friend Win Bear, G. Howell Nahuatl, a sapient coyote, time traveler Bernie Gruenblum, and Georgie, the time machine who loves him.

The price: $12.99.

The place: CD Baby.

Now available in iTunes, as well
The price: $9.99
The Place: iTunes

—L. Neil Smith

Down With Power front cover
Down With Power
by L. Neil Smith
A way to fix America that is consistent with history and human nature.
[ dead tree]
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Many of these books are available for Kindle or Nook or other e-readers. Soon all will be
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Timepeeper Cover
by L. Neil Smith
illustrated by Sherard Jackson
Phoebus Krumm cover
Phoebus Krumm
by L. Neil Smith
illustrated by Scott Bieser

The Probability Broach cover
The Probability Broach
by L. Neil Smith Dead Tree
Or click this link to buy at Barnes &

Book cover
Lever Action
by L. Neil Smith

Buy dead-tree edition at
Or from Cat's Curiosities (Vin & Amy's Online Bookstore)
Front cover illustration © Copyright 2000 by Scott Bieser

Sweeter Than Wine cover
Sweeter Than Wine
by L. Neil Smith Dead Tree Kindle
Click this link to buy at Barnes & Noble Dead Tree or Nook

The American Zone
The American Zone
by L. Neil Smith

Click cover to buy from
Click link to buy from Barnes & Noble


Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems Double mag rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at:

For an explanation of this issue's motto, see "Letter from Alan Korwin"

44 years ago men from earth first set foot on the moon.

This anniversary should make me happy, but instead it makes me sad.

As our pal A.X. Perez sez: "On 20th July 1969 the first men ever, Americans, landed on the moon and Woodstock was going on. It's all been downhill since then." Amen, brother.

Anyway, some of our weekly recommended weekly reading for this week:

"New studies: 'Conspiracy theorists' sane; government dupes crazy, hostile"

Ham Sandwich Nation: Due Process When Everything Is a Crime
by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

The Fall of the Humanities
by Bernie Reeves

IVF baby born using revolutionary genetic-screening process
by Ian Sample

Egypt: Persistent Issues Undermine Stability
by Stratfor Global Intelligence

Dismiss the Egyptian People and Elect a New One
by David P. Goldman

We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay" button to pay the editor or any of our writers whatever you want to pay. We all will appreciate it!

Ken Holder

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Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

Read all about it!:
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Libertarian National Radical Campaign Committee
Time to re-radicalize the LP!

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Down With Power!




Yes, the principles enumerated in L. Neil Smith's Down With Power, properly applied, will make a visible difference in America's condition in just 180 days!

While we wait months and years for the swift recovery that's in America's power, the con-game—played against us by government, corporations, and unions—goes on.

Stop the con-game. Read L. Neil Smith's Down With Power, available from,, and other sources, in trade paperback and e-book editions.

Down With Power!

Tom Paine Maru
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy from Barnes & Noble
Hope cover
by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last
of Klepton

Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach

Published by Bighead Press, 2008
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
The Probability Broach:
The Graphic Novel

by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser

Published by Bighead Press, 2004
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble

The Venus Belt cover
The Venus Belt
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover pic to buy from
Click to buy from Barnes & Noble

Crystal Empire cover
The Crystal Empire
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover pic to buy from
Click link to buy from Barnes & Noble

Time Peeper

Get your very own Come Back with a Warrant doormat from Two styles to choose from! Just click on the one you want:

doormat doormat

Ceres cover
by L. Neil Smith

Click cover to buy from
Click to buy from Barnes & Noble
(NOTE: The complete novel is also on the web at

Pallas cover
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover pic to buy from
Click to buy from Barnes & Noble icon

Permission is hereby granted to quote from TLE, provided that the author is fully cited, that the quotation is unaltered in any way, and that TLE is fully identified as the source (include TLE's URL plus the issue number and/or the specific URL of the article).

Permission is further granted to reprint articles from L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, provided that the article is printed in full and is not altered in any way, that full recognition is given to the author, and that TLE is fully identified (include TLE's URL plus the issue number and/or the specific URL of the article). NOTE: articles are owned by the authors and you must have their permission for any other use.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, all material contained herein is distributed for nonprofit educational purposes, and for other fair use purposes including, but not limited to, criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and/or research.
L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise