A Whale of a Tale
An Open Letter to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
— An International Journal of Opinion —

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Number 746, November 24, 2013
Like I said, the world is run by idiots.

Courtesy of Robert Garrard
Courtesy of Robert Garrard


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 5 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from Neale Osborn. L. Neil Smith, and A.X. Perez

A Whale of a Tale
An Open Letter to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

by L.Neil Smith
In a series of novels I'm writing, called "The Ngu Family Saga", there is a character, a special favorite of mine, Julie Segovia Ngu, who writes children's books. Julie's books are anti-authoritarian, and circulate all over the 22nd century Solar System, except in places, like East America, where authoritarianism is still practiced. In such places, her books are banned, which, of course, makes them even more popular.

The Affordable Boat Act
by Unknown
The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The affordable boat act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014. These "affordable" boats will cost an average of $54,000-$155,000 each. This does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs. This law has been passed, because until now, typically only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats. This new laws ensures that every American can now have a "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a new boat. If you purchase your boat before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" life jackets; not including monthly usage fees.

FaceBook Fail—with Bullets
by L. Neil Smith
Just now, FaceBook tried to shut me up. I had posted with regard to the shut-down lead refinery. Two idiots responded, one calling me an alarmist, the other claiming that that modern ammunition doesn't use lead. I replied, and offering a completely phony reason, the system wouldn't take the post on a page called "Second Amendment Samizdat". So here's what I said. Perhaps you'll pass it on...

Movie Review: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
by Jeff Fullerton
Went to see the theatrical adaptation of Orson Scott Card's novel Ender's Game Friday a week ago. It turned out to be an excellent movie with a really good twist at the end which I promise not spoil for anyone who might be looking forward to seeing it. There was no spoiler for me, much to the surprise of my brother who saw it with me—I had never read it despite being a SF nut nearly all of my life. Recall first seeing it in paperback in the 1980s when I was in the Air Force stationed in California. Did not think about it much at the time as militaristic space operas are a dime a dozen and have my priorities as to what I choose to read. But over the years the novel and its sequels have garnered quite a bit of reputation. Especially among the instructors of various military service academies who highly recommend it to their cadets to encourage strategic thinking.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 252
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 252 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act


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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.


Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems Double mag rig Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at: survivalsheath.com

Thanks to all who sent well-wishes for the recent illness and recovery of my wife. We both appreciate it.

Neale Osborn sends his regrets that Rant No. 35 will be delayed a week due to the press of other work. Hang in there Neale!

From the folks at Cheaper Than Dirt! ("America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter") cheaperthandirt.com:

Mary Margarte Penrose Law Professor Says "Time to Repeal and Replace that Second Amendment"
Mary Margaret Penrose, a full-time professor of law with Texas A&M University in Fort Worth, has called for the full repeal of the Second Amendment, according to an article in the New Haven Register News in Connecticut.
[Read More]

It pains me to admit some of my fellow Texans have shit for brains.

Again a reminder that we have renamed our "Books For Sale" area of the main page "L. Neil Smith's Bookstore"—the direct link is ncc-1776.org/index.html#books

New bumperstickers now for sale at our Zazzle store. And tshirts and so on coming Real Soon Now (honest!) at Zazzle.

We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay" button to pay the editor or any of our writers whatever you want to pay. We all will appreciate it!

Ken Holder

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Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

Read all about it!:
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Libertarian National Radical Campaign Committee
Time to re-radicalize the LP!

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive


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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise