The Wages of Moderation
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
— An International Journal of Opinion —

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Number 753, January 12, 2014
"The wages of moderation are political death."

No Weiners!
No Weiners!


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 5 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith and Terence James Mason

The Wages of Moderation
by L.Neil Smith
By now, I'm confident you've all heard, seen, or smelled the story about New Jersey's RINO Governor Chris Christie, whose administration allegedly closed down several lanes on the George Washington Bridge as political retribution of some kind against Fort Lee's Mayor Mark Sokolich. "RINO" stands for "Republican In Name Only". Before the bridge incident, Rush Limbaugh was predicting that Christie would go over to the Democrats day after tomorrow. Now I doubt they'd let him in the clubhouse. A number of radio pundits I've listened to claim not to understand how this sort of thing works. If they're telling the truth about their ignorance, I shall have to reassess how seriously I take anything else they have to say....

When Hell Freezes Over: Birth Pangs of the Coming Ice Age?—or Short Term Cooling Cycle?
by Jeff Fullerton
Two degrees Fahrenheit at my place on Tuesday morning in sunny southwestern PA! Went down to about minus 7 the night before because of a polar air mass that came barreling in Sunday night—after a mild weekend in which the really significant snowfall from the previous week melted off totally. It's dreadful coming anticipated well in advance but still seemed so remote when I went out to load up the firebox of the outside wood furnace that is the primary heat source for the house and occasionally for the greenhouse. It was still in the 50s then.

Lady Magdalene's: A Review
by Sean Gangol
I had heard about this movie about a year ago, but until recently I never got the opportunity to see it. Sadly, I had forgotten about this movie up until Davi Barker decided to trash this movie, while simultaneously attacking J. Neil Shulman's other movie, Alongside Night. Thanks to Neil I was able to view the movie on his YouTube page. The movie begins with our main protagonist Agent Jack Goldwater, an IRS agent on lone to the air marshals program, profiling a suspicious looking middle-eastern man. When it appeared that he was wrong about his suspicion, Goldwater was taken before a Senate committee, which was led by a snooty women who seems to represent everything that is wrong with the government.

Breaking Better: Decriminalizing Agorist Markets
by J. Neil Schulman
I just watched the entire series Breaking Bad in a few marathon sessions. This is my entire review, right here: Breaking Bad is wonderful. Watch it if you love great, compelling drama with a lot of comic riffs. But watch only if you have a strong stomach. Now let me move on to the point of this essay.

Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 38
by Neale Osborn
b>Happy New Year!! I've got a LOT to talk about, and not a lot of time. So, let's begin. I have returned to work, so my time to tippity tap on the keys is shortened when the weather sucks, because this is plumber's weather— frozen and broken pipes make me tired as hell and colder than I'd prefer..... but that has NOTHING to do with guns, does it?

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 259
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 259 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act

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Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems Double mag rig Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
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This news:

India Makes Gun for Women as Defense Against Rape Lightweight revolver intended for self-defense amid rising sexual violence against women

An Indian gun manufacturer has made its first gun intended to help women defend themselves against sexual violence.

The lightweight titanium alloy revolver is designed to fit easily in a handbag and was named in tribute to Nirbhaya, the pseudonym of a 23-year-old victim of a 2012 brutal gang rape that took place on a bus, reports the Times of India.
[Read more...]

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UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise