Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 756, February 2, 2014


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Letters to the Editor

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When you might have a spare moment—or three—please give this site a looking over:

A New Paradigm Of Government (ANPOG)

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An Open Letter to Meryl Streep
By L. Neil Smith, Senior Editorial Consultant
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

" ... we know that the only reason individuals like you and your thug-buddy Weinstein want to take our guns is so you can do things to us you couldn't do if we still had our guns."

[Read more]

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Transmission from an Alternate Universe

After having spent three and a half days considering the President's state of the Union address I have concluded that somehow we received a broadcast from an alternate universe. How else can it be explained that he called for stricter gun control laws when criminal abuse of firearms is declining and proper use of fire arms is rising? How else can he keep saying that the private sector is working but insists the government needs to butt in (and in my opinion screw things up? How else can it possibly make sense that he calls for diverting resources to pay for a raise in minimum wage that are needed to create jobs that pay better than minimum wage?*

How else can you explain a President promising to use his executive power to carry out the will of the people by overriding a Congress that is voting the way its constituent told it to?

Undoubtedly a transmission from a alternate universe.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

* Please note, I actually don't have a problem with raising minimum wage. what I have a problem with is doing so because the President appears to represent a faction dedicated to keeping people stuck on minimum wage for their entire lives.

To which L. Neil Smith replied:

The great Justin Raimondo of has "theorized" that, on September 11, 2001, we all got knocked sideways into the Bizarro universe we first learned about in Superman comics.

Win Bear thinks there may be something in what Justin says.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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