The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 5 parts.
Letters to the Editor
from A.X. Perez, MamaLiberty (a.k.a. Susan Callaway),
"Mabel F. Smith", and L. Neil Smith
Under Western Skies
by L. Neil Smith
It's a movie cliche as old as the hills. The very first western
film adventure, made by Thomas Edison in his rotating New Jersey studio, was about a
train robbery. The second almost certainly told the story I'm about to describe and
which we've all seen a hundred times.
The Truth be Told
by A.X. Perez
Recently I read an editorial page article decrying the release of
doves at weddings and other similar events. The author's complaint was that the birds
in question were totally domesticated and unsuited to survive in the wild. My first
thought was that hawks, feral cats, and my dogs (who will kill and eat pigeons in my
yard when the mood hits them) gotta eat and dove is tasty. My second thought was that
this is a cautionary tale about why we need to resist Big government's efforts, whether
benign or diabolical, to make us dependent on the state for survival (remember over half
of Americans are collecting one benefit or another from Big G). Believe it or not, that's not my point.
On Marijuana—"Bungling the Cannabis Story"
by Richard Bartucci
There has recently been a helluva lot of noise in the lamestream media
about what's supposed to be "proof" of central nervous system (CNS) pathology associated with
recreationally smoking marijuana (Breiter, Gilman et al. JNeurosci, 2014 Apr 9;34(15):5385-95).
Is this a horse to be ridden or horseshit to be shoveled out the door?
You Are On Your Own
by John Taylor
Ive thought about this for a long time, and I believe it’s necessary
to share my thoughts with you, in the interest of education and full disclosure.
William Tucker's Progress & Privilege: America in the Age of Environmentalism
by Jeff Fullerton
With Earth Day approaching and the standoff between the rancher and
the Feds over the endangered Desert Tortoise and other disturbing trends in the news I
was planning to write another lengthy exegesis on ecofascism and the evils of Big
Government. Unfortunately my work schedule on the heel of vacation left little time and
energy for writing so I decided to settle for a long overdue book review instead. Actually
one that I have long revered as a source of eye opening information on the environmental
movement—which up until my college days I had assumed to be right on most things—aside
from maybe a little overboard on a few issues.
The differences between libertarian and liberal drug legalization
by Terence James Mason
In recent online discussions and on news sites and blogs, much has
been said about the negative consequences of Colorado's recent legislation legalizing
marijuana. The raft of articles concerning increased inspection of vehicles with
Colorado plates traveling out of state, and increased "driving under the influence"
citations in Colorado, Most recently, I received the following from a correspondent....
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 4-120-2014
by Neale Osborn
From Mama Liberty's own pen, this time. "Unfortunately, these women
are very eager to believe that they can live in the land of unicorns and fairy farts.
They don’t want—or cannot even conceive of—personal responsibility for anything.
They see oppression on every hand when their choices and actions result in pain and loss
(when they can actually see and admit it at all)... it’s someone else’s fault, of
course—and their lives would be so wonderful if EVERYONE they don’t like were forced
to be mewling newborn kittens. They can’t even begin to see the hypocrisy here.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 273
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 273 of a weekly cartoon series.