The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 6 parts.
Letters to the Editor
from Neale Osborn and Jim Woosley
The Joys of Writing Byzantine Historical Fiction
by Richard Blake
As the author of six novels set in seventh century Byzantium, I'm often
asked: Why choose that period? There's always been strong interest within the historical
fiction community in Classical Greece, and in Rome a century either side of the birth of
Christ, and the western Dark Ages. With very few exceptions -- Robert Graves' Count
Belisarius, for example, or Cecelia Holland's Belt of Gold -- Byzantium in any
period of its long history is a neglected area. Why, then, did I choose it?
by A.X. Perez
Much has been written about civilization (actually, Civilization, all
good Catholics genuflect and make the sign of the Cross) lately in TLE. Who am I to
resist getting my two cents in?
What a Surprise
by Sean Gangol
What I find the most amusing about the disaster that is known as
Obamacare is the way that members of the mainstream media seem to act so surprised
about its shortcomings. Though it does go to show how bad the situation is when
members of the mainstream media are acknowledging it, even though they were the ones
who were waving pom-poms when this joke of a law was rammed down the throats of the
American people. Usually I wouldn't be this amused about having one of the worst laws
in the history of our government shoved down our throats, but I couldn't help, but
laugh at the people who tried to act shocked about this roll out being an epic disaster.
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 7-27-2014
by Neale Osborn
Ahhh, the economic benefits of gun control are present once again.
EVERY TIME lawmakers decide to violate the rights of their constituents, they only hurt
the constituents. Gun related businesses are fleeing such anti-Constitutional states as
New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and California over their repeated assaults on the legality
of their business. Beretta being the latest to join the flood, this time out of Maryland.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 287
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 287 of a weekly cartoon series.