Apologies to Papa Heinlein
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
— An International Journal of Opinion —

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Number 782, August 3, 2014
When does YOUR fear cause me to lose MY rights?

by Rex May


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 6 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from Jim Woolsey, Tyrone Johnson, Neale Osborn, Kent McMangal, and A.X. Perez

Apologies to Papa Heinlein
by Jeffrey Schwartz
      Like barb wire ties around me
      tightening and cutting all my girth
      are all the stupid laws
      Of the nanny state of Earth.


Renaissance Summer: Halfway around the sun from Norseman's Hell
by Jeff Fullerton
At times it felt like an eternity getting here. Midsummer is probably the most heavenly time of year—weather wise in Pennsylvania. Aside from severe storms—which there have for the most part missed locally and heat waves which have been non-existent so far this season. With hardly any of the 90 degree days to be expected this time of year, it is being hailed one of the coldest summers on record by some sources—though highs in the 80s have been the rule—making it feel like a normal summer—if you can call anything, anywhere; normal anymore.

Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 8-03-2014
by Peter Cyprian, standing in for Neale Osborn
Neale is unavailable this week, so I am stepping up to the plate at his request. As a parent, I can truly appreciate what Mama Liberty has for us this week!

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 288
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 288 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act


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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.


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Sorry this issue is late, I sat down to put it together Saturday evening as usual, and noticed I was feeling so crummy I couldn't concentrate. This getting old is for the birds!

Don't Drink it!
L. Neil Smith learns just becuase something is on the menu doesn't mean you should order it!

This word on Our Publisher:

To our friends who have patiently refrained from asking, Neil suffered a stroke on June 28. He is currently in an excellent acute rehabilitation program at a facility in Northern Colorado and is making good progress. I'm happy to share information. If you want updates, please let me know by email and I'll reply. Giovanni and I are working on making the house (built in 1949) accessible for Neil's eventual return.
Neil, Cathy, & Giovanni
[email protected]
If you would like to help-out Neil and his family, you can toss them some money thusly:

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Neil is in good spirits, and complains that the theripists in the Rhab Center are working him to death. He insists he will leave rehab on his own two feet, none of that wheelchair nonsense.

An interesting article which cites Our Publisher Mr. L. Neil Smith:

Earlier, I cited the following traits of SF's libertarian tradition: ornery and insistant individualism, veneration of the competent man, instinctive distrust of coercive social engineering and a rock-ribbed objectivism that values knowing how things work and treats all political ideologizing with suspicion. All should now be readily explicable. These are the traits that mark the enemies of the enemies of the future.
"A Political History of SF", by Eric S. Raymond
[Read more]

In other news, Mrs. Editor notes:

"Indefinate detention = life inprisonment without due process."
People need to turn Bureaucrat-speak into plain English in order to understand what they are really saying. Detention is something they hand-out in school, getting locked-up forever and disappeared is something else!

And that's the way it is in the American Police State™, July 27, 2014

We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay" button to pay the editor or any of our writers whatever you want to pay. We all will appreciate it!

Ken Holder

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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise