Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 798, November 23, 2014

There is no one in charge.
There are only lies.

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Letters to the Editor

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Re: "Heels" by L. Neil Smith

El Neil,

I have three or four pair of Western boots and have worn such for nearly 50 years. I can walk miles in them without so much as a blister, they have given me extra years of use of my back by straightening it, and they look GOOD.

Many people find boots uncomfortable, but I have known others whose doctors prescribed them (for lower back injuries, usually), too.

Feminannies hate them because Western boots represent individualism, non-conformity, and Doing As I Bloody Well Please. I get a little extra irritation going by referring to my boots as "Alberta ballet slippers" and/or "dispute settlers" and/or "stompers" and/or "conflict resolution brogues".

To all who don't like "cowboy" boots I say, in the time-honoured Canadian expression, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!"


Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

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Border News

There was a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, early Sunday morning 16 November. A foolish young man got a gun and shot five people leaving a bar from which he'd been given the heave ho. A person unidentified up through the time this was written shot Señor Grouchy. At this time the police are saying they believe the second shooter acted in self defense and are looking for him to get his statement.

Did this turn up in any national media? Betcha not, especially since an armed civilian saved the day (actually wee hours of the morning). Undoubtedly Señor Grouchy would have run up a score worthy of national media attention if no one had pulled their own piece and stopped him.

Two bills have been proposed for the Texas state legislature regarding firearms to date. The first would permit open carry by holders of CCL's. The second would make Texas a Constitutional carry state. I would prefer the latter to pass. The former is an acceptable baby step, but if that is where we end up this coming year we must use it as a building block to moving on to full Constitutional carry. Perhaps some Yankee big mouth will say something stupid and provoke the Legislature to pass CC.

The 2013 crime stats are out. Murder is down. Justifiable homicide by civilians is down. Justifiable homicide by police is up. At this time I refuse to comment on how much of this is due to "the only ones" getting away with murder due to their badges and how much is due to some really dumb crooks starting losing gun fights except to say there are too many cases of the first.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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I regret there will be no rant this wee—a family problem has arisen—next week's, however, will be HUGE!!

My apologies to one and all.

Neale Osborn
[email protected]

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