Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's
Number 807, February 1, 2015

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law

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Letters to the Editor

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Re: "Just Because the Government Says So, Doesn't Make it So" by J. Neil Schulman

Dear J. Neil Schulman

The woodstove ban mentioned in your article "Just Because the Government Says So, Doesn't Make it So" hits very close to home. Because I have an outside furnace that is my primary source of heat! It is the likes of Edward the Confessor banning the burning of coal and threatening the peasants with the prospect of having their fireplaces destroyed and freezing to death if caught violating the royal decree. In the modern context such rules are obviously a major weapon of the progressives in their sneaky underhanded war against freeholders and the self-reliant rural way of life in general.

It's part of the stealth approach to Agenda 21.
Where the government and its minions corner a monopoly on land and other natural resources and bring about the reduction (disposal) of human population not by mass execution by firing squads and mass burial or starvation and cremation in death camps - but by incremental restriction of personal freedoms and life choices that force people into marginalized existence and subsistence which results in lower reproductive success, reduced lifespans and often violent death at the hands of others in social conflicts over artificially limited resources- or murdered by agents of the State for resistance to being controlled or whatever convenient excuse they can come up with.

If they cannot take your land property by outright force they will use regulatory power to criminalize self-sufficiency and make living on the land- especially in cold climates- untenable. So they can shepherd people back to the cities or zones where human habitation is allowed. At some point there must come a universal epiphany like the one in the movie Independence Day when in light of the systematic manner in which the alien invaders were destroying city after city "We're being exterminated"!

Hopefully it won't come too late.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Ken, you state in the Editorial Matters section that in response to a declaration of Martial Law, "There are a lot more of us than them. A LOT more." Sadly, sheer numbers only tell a part of the tale; numbers only count if they have the resistive spirit to make a difference. When martial 'Law' was effectively declared after the Marathon bombing in the birthplace of American liberty, the people of Boston meekly complied with orders to stay in their homes and allow ineffective warrantless house-to-house searches of their premises. In a free country, there would have been A LOT of dead and injured LEOs. Also a lot of dead and injured homeowners, of course, but the Tree of Liberty would have been fed as it was in Waco. One ray of light that gives me hope is the fortuitously bloodless Bundy Ranch facedown of the Feds, though I suspect we haven't read the last chapter in that saga yet. The question for the future of Liberty is going to be, "Do the United States contain more Bostonians or Bundy Ranchers?" Unfortunately, despite the recent Ferguson-inspired protests, I'm afraid we have more of the former than the latter. I hope I am wrong.

Re: El Neil's Are You Good Enough for Freedom?, LNS states that Al Franken has never been funny. I beg to differ. I am (G*d help me) one of his constituents (I do not claim that he 'represents me' in any way whatsoever). The only piece of legislation with which he has been associated that has stuck in my mind was obviously inspired by someone who'd read Black Beauty or My Friend Flicka too many times: the prohibition of slaughtering horses for human consumption. As I predicted at the time, a couple of years later he was required to introduce legislation forbidding the export of horses for slaughter for human consumption. I suspect that horse exporters at that time started certifying, however truthfully, that they were exporting horses not for human consumption but to turn them into dog food and glue, which I suppose is much better. I thought the whole escapade hilarious, if unintentionally and inadvertently so.

Re: J Neil's Just Because the Government Says So, Doesn't Make it So, I must agree wholeheartedly. One of my pet peeves regarding recent 'terrorism' prosecutions is the charge of producing or conspiring to produce a 'weapon of mass destruction' (WMD) against people whom the feds have duped into trying to make big conventional bombs. I am a former Army National Guard Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare specialist. In the spirit of full disclosure I must admit that I have used chemical weapons on American troops. Granted, it was 'non-lethal' CS tear gas* in a training scenario, but there it is. So qualified, I say a conventional bomb, regardless of its size, can never rate as a WMD despite the government trying to classify it as such. My Grandpa used to ask, "How many legs does a normal, healthy dog have if you call its tail a leg?" The correct answer, of course, is four since calling a dog's tail a leg doesn't make it so. It doesn't matter if it's the President, a majority of Congress, five-or-more members of the Supremes, or the bloody Queen of England who calls a dog's tail a leg, it is still a tail.

* Ask the children of Mount Carmel just how non-lethal CS gas or its combustion byproducts are. Oh, wait. That's right, you can't.

Bob Gibson
[email protected]

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Re: "Are You Good Enough for Freedom?" by L. Neil Smith

"What hope can there be, in the long term, for those who worship mediocre mentalities like those of Abraham Lincoln, or Franklin Delano Roosevelt...."

There are people out there whose expectations of freedom are so low they would have to work their way up to these guys. As a religious believer I pray for their stunted souls. Notice I left out the 2 bit phony Wilson, the racist, misogynistic, socialist, internationalist, imperialistic, and war mongering hypocrite.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Today's Fraud From The Union Of Concerned Scientists | Real Science

Deceit and the potential of Nature as a weapon to manipulate society and cull the human race. [Link]
This relates significantly to the thread on the wood burner ban and other policies aimed at making energy less affordable to the majority of people who are currently struggling to make ends meet. I guess if your aim is to reduce the population—what better way than to convince people that the planet is warming when it's actually getting colder and implement policies that drive up the cost of energy or create artificial shortages and increased dependency on foreign sources subject to disruption. Add to that; fighting tooth and nail to stymie efforts to sure up and improve the infrastructure for generation and distribution and you have the recipe for the ultimate disaster. Then you can justify uprooting entire communities—or have people willing to go wherever and do whatever they're told just to stay warm and safe. Then destroy their homes while they are away in refugee camps so returning is no longer an option. Plus they will also be disarmed so resistance won't be an option either if they think about trying to return and rebuild anyway.

There is also the option of just letting people die from exposure to the cold—especially the elderly and those who are otherwise vulnerable and less useful to society and a social or financial burden. The same people that progressives pander to with entitlement programs and try to herd to the polls on Election Day with scary scenarios of dire consequences if they don't vote the right way. After such a power grab during a time of crisis they may cease to be useful as a voting block or as hostages to make the rest of us feel guilty or reluctant to push back.

Maybe I'm just paranoid but living in a climate where sub freezing conditions are the norm for several months of the year—I understand the power of Nature and how it could be used to kill by rendering people helpless and unable to adapt and prepare for its most extreme conditions.

The climate scientists who are obviously whoring for Power are ignoring historic data of past fluctuations in the climate that are even more extreme than that of the last 100 years. Since they are in bed with elites that are known for stated aspirations to get rid of others to enhance their own selfish desire for a world less populated—one may wonder if many of them too share similar aspirations for a better world.

In my encounters with environmentalists and conservation officials in matters pertaining to personal hobbies—I have an understanding of that kind of contempt for human life and individual freedom—which like religious fundamentalism—can be very dangerous when coupled with the power of the State.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Re: "The Atheist Experience Folly" by Sean Gangol

I have had the same experience. I went to a group of atheists in Baltimore, and damn near every one of them was a leftist. One actually said, "Progressivism is the only system that works." I restrained myself by telling him he was delusional, and left. (Restraint has limits. I was tempted to initiate force against the smug jerk.)

Anyway, I went to three meetings and decided that, despite enjoying playing "Cards Against Humanity" and drinking in an Irish bar, it wasn't worth being around so many delusional, evil people.

Chris Claypoole
[email protected]

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The Euro central banks have all lost their minds

Now that the EU central banks are charging Negative Interest on deposits (making depositors PAY for holding their cash), something that had only been a joke on Zero Hedge is now a reality:

NIRP home loans ... banks in Denmark are now forced to pay negative interest to mortgage holders!

[read all about it!]

The financial end times are near. I strongly suggest stack gold and silver, because this Keynesian insanity cannot end well.

Best regards,
[email protected]

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