Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's
Number 808, February 8, 2015

Solved problems are a dire threat to politicians
who subsist on promising to solve problems they
themselves have usually caused.

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Letters to the Editor

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Colt 1903 pistol
Source: via Wikipedia

Dear Ken:

Good News: Colt is reintroducing the marvelous Model 1903 medium-framed hammerless ergonomically perfect pistol that I have long said could compete easily on today's market.

I had one once, but had to sell it, which I have regretted ever since.

Bad News: it will only be available in .32ACP, not .380 (there's a bigger difference than most people realize) and will be priced at an utterly ridiculous and starkly abusive $1300! I like this gun, but I do not like it that much.This is the kind of corporate decision that is typically made by some executive vice-president's wife.

Just thought you should know.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Best-selling Author John DeChancie posted this yesterday on his Facebook wall:

"Those who are interested in the current world economic crisis might be interested in seeing ALONGSIDE NIGHT, a film by J. Neil Schulman, starring Kevin Sorbo. It's a handsomely produced film for its low budget. Well-acted and ingeniously directed, it has a story that resonates with the new proposed 4-trillion-dollar US budget. You might not agree with the movie's economic philosophy, but you can't deny the relevance of the theme. There's only so much you can inflate the money supply before the economy blows a tire and we all have to walk home. I mean, how much can you disagree with that?"
—John DeChancie

John DeChancie is a well-known author of science fiction and fantasy. He is most famous for his Skyway Trilogy (STARRIGGER, RED LIMIT FREEWAY, PARADOX ALLEY) and his seriocomic fantasy adventure series beginning with CASTLE PERILOUS and running to nine volumes. The ninth is due out soon! His short pieces have appeared in many magazines and paperback original anthologies. Living in Los Angeles, he is at work writing more fiction in addition to screenplays and teleplays. He has a background in music, TV and film production, and was the 2005 recipient of the Forrest J. Ackerman Award for lifetime achievement Science Fiction.


The Official Website For Author John DeChancie

Alongside Night movie poster

First published at J. Neil Schulman @ Rational Review

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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I was recently banned from seeding links on the NewsVine site to TLE because I am "affiliated" with TLE, which makes seeding links to articles there a violation of the rules of MSNBC's NewsVine forum.

Needless to say, I donned my rusty armor, grabbed my bent lance, and I jumped on my spavined steed, rushing forth into the fray with the liberal windmill. I withdrew publication of my weekly rants, or any other original works, after writing one last scathing "Fuck You" article outlining their BS rules. Nearly immediately (they had to wait til Sunday, after all) someone ELSE seeded a link to TLE's copy of my rant.

Today, 2-3-15, the person who did that seed put the following seed in TLE. And he posted, copied, and pasted the ENTIRE FUCKING THING!!!! Talk about getting it out there!!

Link You might have read it in the last TLE. It's entitled "Americans have obeyed their last gun law".

The article contains the entire pamphlet, full attribution, AND a link to the online pamphlet. Just thought you might like evidence you are getting through to other people. And this guy thinks he's actually a Republican, he is a current active duty cop, and retired military. But I'm getting through to him, bit by bit.

Neale Osborn
[email protected]

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This is a repeat of a previously sent message: If you live in Texas get after your state Representative and Senator to support the following bills:

House Bill 195: This is the big one: Constitutional carry. No license to carry open or concealed.

House Bill 164: This is an open carry bill. License is required for both open and concealed carry. Baby step up from concealed carry only and towards Constitutional carry.

House Bill 905: establishes state preemption on knives and certain other weapons. A Switchblade with a blade 5.25 inches long is perfectly legal in El Paso, not in San Antonio. Exception if it is a necessary work tool. This sets idea that you have to prove you are honest person, not the government having to prove you are not. This law would also apply to tasers, Mace, pepper spray, etc.

Similar Senate Bills have been introduced on the floor. All were still languishing waiting to be taken up in committee. As soon as you know whom to write or call do so.

Next recycled idea; The seax is an old knife design, basically a single edged what moderns would call a Wharncliffe style blade (some claim the Wharncliffe is actually based on the seax.). The name Saxon comes from sea, indicating that Saxons were identifiable by their carry of this knife. I have read elsewhere that carrying a knife, and by extension other weapons, was considered the badge of a free person in Medieval times.

Wear your badge(s) proudly.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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