Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's
Number 812, March 8, 2015

This isn't brain science here,
folks; it isn't rocket surgery.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Seeing Clearly

At 61 I finally have been prescribed corrective lenses. Bifocals no less. When I finally got them I realized how my eyesight had deteriorated over the years, all the cheats and work arounds I had (re)invented over the years to cope. I can see again! I had gotten used to being relatively blind. Now I can see again! (Pardon my redundancy. Or don't, but hey, did I mention I can see again!)

I quit smoking (okay, I still have a stogie or bowl of baccer every three to eight weeks or so, the ounce of tobacco I got with my Iatest meerschaum will probably last until I retire.), so who cares if they keep banning smoking in more and more places? And I'm a pistol guy, so who cares if they ban M855 rifle ammo? Besides, I need hollow points, not solids, for anything I need a rifle for. I enjoy my sobriety and my "rheumatiz" isn't that bad, so who cares if marijuana is illegal? And I don't mind specifying that I am exercising my Fifth Amendment Rights, so who cares that standing mute can be used against you if you don't? And I really don't care if the NSA snoops me.

Or maybe I'm coping with freedoms I've lost, had watered down, or never had. Maybe a bunch of us Americans need "magic glasses" to restore our freedom and help us see how much of it had been stolen.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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My little announcement


It has been a while since I contacted you guys (I think my last article there was 2004?) but I wanted you all to know I have my first book on Amazon:

Threads by Patrick K. Martin

I like it, you might as well.

Thank you,
Patrick K Martin
[email protected]

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"Common Sense"

1. George Mason—"The militia consists of the whole people, except for a few politicians." This of course was the wording of one of the authors of the 2nd Amendment.

2. Article 3, Section 3: "Treason... shall consist of levying war against (the United States)..."

3. In American history and jurisprudence, the disarmament of the people and the militia is an act of war. (Viz: Lexington and Concorde).

4. Therefore, any action which disarms any law abiding person is an act of treason.

T. J. Mason
[email protected]

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