Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's
Number 816, April 5, 2015

How do we get from here to there?

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Letters to the Editor

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Re: "Drawing the Line" by L. Neil Smith

In the feature article, Mr Smith states, "Gay marriage doesn't threaten anything or anybody but it enhances gay life." Sadly, this is not entirely true. Bakery owners who have refused to make wedding cakes for gay couples have not only been threatened but actually punished for their actions. As, bizarrely, have bakery owners who refused to put anti-gay decorations on cakes.

Personally, I don't have a dog in this fight. It doesn't matter to me whom (or, for the most part, how many*) you marry, and it shouldn't be in the government's portfolio to be involved in the matter in any way other than to ensure that the terms of the marriage contract, if any, are followed. The fact that it is can be traced, if not to the feudal idea that John the goatherd and Mary the milkmaid had to get permission from their Lord to wed, and only then if the Lord got to bed Mary on their wedding night, then at least to post-bellum anti-miscegenation ordinances. Government interference in marriage is a squalid remnant of a sordid past, and ought to be abandoned.

But so too is the idea that any private individual should be forced at bayonet-point to provide services for another.

* Multiple marriages tend to reduce the supply of good women for the rest of us. It's still none of the government's damn business.

Bob Gibson
[email protected]

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Nice Article about Richard Blake:


Richard Blake
[email protected]

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No Gun Rant this week

Due to family problems, I will not be putting out a rant this week. Pop took a turn for the worse, and I will be occupied with that and my kids.

See Y'all next Sunday!

Neal Osborn
[email protected]

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