Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's
Number 821, May 10, 2015

What we learned so very painfully
in the 1960s mustn't be in vain.

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I'm Taking a Hiatus...
by Neale Osborn
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

...from my weekly gun rants. lately, my heart just hasn't been in these little missives. Between my father (he's got his good hours and his bad days), the change in the seasons, and, well, I'm just plain bored with them. I won't be absent, but the rants will be. My apologies to one and all of the people who have enjoyed these over the last 2 years (and my heartiest "Don't get excited, I haven't been driven off!" to you losers who don't like me) and I hope to feel revived and back on the warpath soon.

Here's what little I did until I realized I just wasn't into it this time around:

Generally speaking, I'm not a huge fan of organized boycotting. But this is one time I think it might be a good thing. Tim McGraw, the darling of country music, and supposedly all-around Good Old Boy, is lending his talent to a fundraiser- for a major anti-gun Victim Disarmament group. [Link].

Newsmax tells us the story:

Country music superstar Tim McGraw will showcase a concert to benefit the organization Sandy Hook Promise, an anti-gun violence group organized after the 2012 elementary school shooting.

The July 17 concert also will feature Billy Currington, Chase Bryant and some special unannounced guests, according to the New York Post. "Tim McGraw: A Concert for Sandy Hook Promise" will be held at the XFINITY Theatre in Hartford, Connecticut.

WVIT-TV reported that McGraw touring band fiddle player Dean Brown is a friend to Mark Barden, a musician and father of a Daniel Barden, one of the 20 first-graders who died in the 2012 shooting incident.

"Out of this tragedy a group was formed that made a promise to honor the lives lost and turn it into a moment of transformation," McGraw in a statement. "Sandy Hook Promise teaches that we can do something to protect our children from gun violence. I want to be a part of that promise — as a father and as a friend."

Sorry, Timmy, but that is just no excuse for taking a right from ALL Americans. While we ALL understand the pain these parents feel, we're not going to aid in punishing the innocent for the crimes of a few guilty people.

Isn't this just typical BS? it's like saying "She had it coming! If she didn't WANT to be raped, she shouldn't have dressed that way!" But I expect crap like this out of Trudeau- he's NEVER met a non-liberal he didn't hate. (but I think CH WAS liberal!) [Link].

In early April, "Doonesbury" cartoonist Garry Trudeau took aim at the Charlie Hebdo artists and writers who lost their lives in a vicious terrorist attack in January. Trudeau claimed the magazine was engaging in "hate speech," arguing that under the right circumstances, "free speech becomes its own kind of fanaticism."
In the weeks since, Trudeau has been criticized for choosing to condemn the victims rather than the perpetrators. He was invited onto NBC's Meet the Press Sunday to answer his critics. But in the process of trying to rehabilitate his image, he only managed to make things worse.
Moderator Chuck Todd asked Trudeau if "the victims were to blame for the tragedy."
"Oh, not at all," Trudeau said. "Perhaps I should have made it a little clearer that I was as outraged as the rest of the world at that time."
But after establishing that point, the cartoonist went back to his original premise. "What I didn't do was agree with the decisions they made that brought a world of pain to France."
They brought a world of pain to France? Not the terrorists, but the cartoonists? It's unthinkable that a fellow artist would take this position. But it's even more disturbing that an American — regardless of occupation — would blame free expression for bloodshed.

You may rest assured that another panel of "Doonesbury" will never be read by me. Fuck you, Gary.

Enjoy what little I got out. Luv ya all, and see ya real soon!

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