Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 825, June 14, 2015

Political Power: Too much of every day
life consists of defying it, avoiding
it, or evading it, simply to live.

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Letters to the Editor

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Scary Cousins

Christoper Lee passed away last week. He is best known for his work in horror movies, playing a Bond villain, his parts in the Star Wars franchise and Lord of the Ring movies, his service to England in WWII, and as a heavy metal singer.

The British should have found him scary, or at least his blood lineage. Apparently he was distantly related to the Lees of Virginia. This would make him kin to:

  • Richard Henry Lee, the man who proposed on 7 June 1776 that "These United States should be and of right are a free and independent nation." He was a signer of the Declaration and President of the US under the Articles of Confederation.

  • Francis Lightfoot Lee, another signatory of the Declaration of Independence and signer of the Articles of Confederation.

  • Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee did a number on the British Army in the South during the Revolution.

  • Henry's son Robert Edward married Mary Anna Randolph Custis, his third cousin and George Washington's step Grand daughter (or Great grand daughter, look it up).

Arguably, this family is the most formidable and successful enemies the British ever faced.

Lee played a senator of a fictional empire, was a soldier who upheld the British Empire in its last great victory, and was related to the family that led the first and most successful rebellion against that empire.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Sad News

Dear Editor,

I was saddened to learn of the death of author Neale Osborn.

He was a fine fellow, and I enjoyed the things he wrote.


[email protected]

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Star Trek: The Animated Series—Most Peculiar—YouTube

Some footage from the animated Saturday morning Star Trek [Link to YouTube]

The things I stumble across in cyberspace!

The episode influenced by Larry Niven with encounters with the Kzin—(who look a bit wimpy in comparison the cover illustrations of his novels) playing with Slaver Weapons.

I remember well the advice of Spock who suggested thinking about eating a raw vegetable when the Kzinti telepath was trying to read their minds so as to not appear threatening to them.

I thought that was among the most ridiculous things I ever heard—even as a kid when I watched that episode.

Damned! I'd rather think about a fat juicy steak. They might actually have some respect for a fellow meat eater! And I'd quote El Neil from Lever Action—that vegetarians are living proof you are what you eat!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Neil Correctly Predicts Another One

Here's something L. Neil predicted... In The Nagasaki Vector IIRC:

Trees trained to grow into furniture

I hope they branch out into other items!

[email protected]

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Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs

I recently broke down and attended a showing of the movie American Sniper at a discount theater near me. There are many disturbing themes in the picture, but for me the most stomach-churning was the homely scene with the young Chris's family where his father relates the homily of the sheep, the wolves, and the sheepdogs. If you are somehow unfamiliar with the tale, search it.

If we are sheep needing the protection of sheepdogs, it is only because the sheepdogs have been trying to turn us into sheep for over a century thus justifying their existence. And the kicker is, some of us 'sheep' still have teeth and claws. This confuses and angers both the wolves and the sheepdogs because neither knows how to react to sheep that aren't quite normal sheep. Worse, the sheepdogs, in trying to turn us not-sheep into sheep so that we may fit their comfortable self-proclaimed and -centered worldview, are often converted into wolves.

Bob Gibson
[email protected]

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