Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 830, July 19, 2015

A weapon in every hand;
freedom on every side.
—F. Paul Wilson

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Letters to the Editor

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Re: Flag kerfuffle (last issue)

There is one silver lining here ...

The Social Justice Weenies have been forced to vent their outrage on the former battle flag of the CSA, one that was adopted by KKK racists, who all had one thing in common, membership in the Democratic Party.

They knew full well they weren't going to get a bit of traction on the firearms issue. We have already had that "conversation". The chumps lost, and are still butthurt over it.

Best regards,
[email protected]

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What's liberal to do? For years liberals have been making a fuss about global warming (actually anthropogenic climate change) and how (doom doom doom) something must be done now, preferably something that means raising taxes, rationing energy, and impoverishing Americans (which would pretty much block upward social mobility by people of impoverished ethnic origin, but liberals don't want to talk about that). Of course, everyone else would suffer too.

Unfortunately it has just come out that a mini-ice age is due to hit around 2030-2040 (see: [this link]) due to a predicted reduction of energy output from the sun, something we can't do a damn thing about and which will not be ameliorated by Impoverishing America by means of taxation and trashing economic opportunity.

I've never denied that human activity might and probably is having an impact on the Earth's climate. I've always been of the opinion that the degree of change, its negative impact, and the wisdom of destroying US economic expansion to deal with it has been exaggerated. Sadly for liberals cyclical changes in the energy released by the sun and its effects on Earth's climate can not be dealt with by taxing and regulating the US into hopefully genteel poverty.

Must be frustrating.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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If the United States were still a sane and rational place, after the announcement of this (Tuesday) morning, the Iranian deal would have been rejected by unanimous votes in both Houses of Congress as the first order of business—and the deal's architects, Secretary of Forty Years of Anti-American Lies Kerry, and Barack Obama, peace be upon him, would have been impeached and removed from office for treason by the same margins as the second order of business.

Even my less-political, marginally religious, most friendly to the Arab world friends are saying that today starts us down the path toward Armageddon.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

No North Virginia Battle Flags were harmed in the writing of this rant.

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