Issue 1,173

The Editor’s Notes

by Charles Curley [email protected] Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise You Are Here for the dollar in stages of inflation You are here: right between the fiat dollar and the Zimbabwean fiasco dollar. Pray God it never comes to step 5, but that's...

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Letters to the Editor

Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise Send Letters to [email protected] Note: All letters to this address will be considered for publication unless they say explicitly Not For Publication Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects....

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They Can’t All Be Walter Williams

by L. Neil Smith Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise Reader Challenge: Who are your news sources today? Why? Whom do you trust? Letters or articles are welcome. — Editor. Iwas born the same year as commercial TV, although it wasn't until I was in...

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On the Passing of Her Majesty the Queen

by Alan Bickley Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise Because I avoid television and other news, I heard about an hour later than everyone else about the Queen’s death. When her father died, people burst...

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by Rudyard Kipling Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise God of our fathers, known of old, Lord of our far-flung battle-line, Beneath whose awful Hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine Lord God of Hosts be with us...

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