Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 664, April 1, 2012

"The glue that holds the Left together"

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Richard Colwell

Letter from Crazy Al (c/o A.X. Perez)

Another Letter from Richard Colwell

Another Letter from Crazy Al

As I have come to conclude, the true meaning of "anarchy" is derived from the Greek "an" meaning "front" or "before", and "archos" meaning "ruler", therefore "before, or without, a ruler." I need no ruler, I rule myself, thanks to my mother and other responsible role models. It is too bad that Marxoid brats and the establishment media have co-opted this term into its current reception as one of wanton disregard for the rights, life and property of others—something which philosophical and classical anarchists would abhor.

Richard Colwell
[email protected]

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Back in the "old days" (1899 to be exact) Temple Houston got a client off the hook on prostitution charges by presenting the "Soiled Dove" Defense. Some years back I heard a flat out Falangist priest condemn factory owners in Latin America for paying their employees so badly that the women were reduced to becoming prostitutes. It is widely accepted that most people in the world's oldest profession get into it or stay in it out of economic necessity.

Interestingly, the only member of Congress to admit he got into politics for the money was Harry Truman, who was a bad tempered, bloodthirsty, vulgar socialist, but who enjoys a reputation for personal honesty. Whether it is deserved I won't say, however, he did admit he was in politics for the money and he has a reputation for being above average honest for a member of Congress.

No one will accuse his confreres in politics of being soiled doves. Soiled vultures maybe. Regardless, the majority have demonstrated enthusiastic whorishness in seeking favors through crony capitalism. This would not be particularly worth making a fuss over except that they get re-elected by getting bringing pork barrel money. So, what does that make most voters, who take money from whores to let the whores stay in business?

Crazy Al c/o A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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As can be evidenced in the world today, even a government expressly laid out to have no duly constituted authority in most areas will expand far beyond its proscribed boundaries, abrogating the rights of it's subjects in the process. Should any person or group without the label of government agent engage in acts which we are witnessing today, they would be dealt with as any other criminal element. The idea of government "legitimizes" the depredation and racketeering of some, usually the most cunning and devious of the criminal class who are attracted to the power of rule and plunder over others.

If "you get the government you deserve," why is it that I have to be thrown in with them?

Richard Colwell
[email protected]

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It has become obvious that the entire Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case has been hijacked by those who play race based politics, promote race hate and who want a race war. actually they don't just want a race war, they dream of it have dedicated their lives to preparing for and inciting a race war.

I humbly suggest that a reservation be put aside for these types and that hey be handed AK's and Glocks and left to fight it out. I know this sounds fatuous, silly and maybe a wee bit mad. Surrendering control of the national debate to them is not fatuous, silly and insane?

It's time for the rest of us to start building a working society and comparing the desirability of socialism, capitalism, statism, libertarianism and what mixture of these will make us happiest and not have this debate derailed by these demagogues.

Crazy Al
[email protected]

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