Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 727, June 30, 2013

No more secrets, no more lies.

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Letters to the Editor

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Try to Remember

So apparently the IRS went after (a few) progressive groups as well as "Tea Partiers". Cool, now we have equal opportunity oppression. Hint to the IRS apologists: there is a saying about two wrongs not making a right.

Since the time of Richard Nixon, the IRS has been used to "investigate" the Party in power's opponents. People act as if they don't remember this, or how unacceptable they thought it was when Milhous' friends pulled it. some of us remember real good (okay grammar Nazis, I know it's "real well", permit me some rhetorical license.).

We have freedom of speech and press, but be prepared to pay tax to exercise it.

Edward Snowden is currently residing in the Moscow Airport, seeking asylum for having exposed the pervasiveness of the American police state. He passed through China to get there and is trying to get to Cuba on his way to Ecuador. basically he is defecting from the US to defend freedom. Remember when people defected to the US seeking freedom?

A significant number of Americans say that they are willing to put up with a police state in exchange for protection from terrorists. Strip search us, watch us, listen to every word we say. Save us from terrorists that want to strip search us, watch us, hear our every word.

Remember when this was the land of the free? Remember when we had some freedom for them to hate us for? Remember when we wanted freedom?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

And L. Neil Smith remembered:

First President to use the IRS against dissenters? Woodrow fucking Wilson.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Re: "Are Technology Firms Seeking "Spoils" from the Immigration Bill?" by David M. Brown

The failure to distinguish between forcible theft, political maneuverings, political self defence, and simple honest labour (sorry my spell checker is stuck in Brit instead of Yank) Mr. Brown discusses in "Are Technology Firms Seeking "Spoils" from the Immigration Bill?" is a common conflation favoured by the mental children of the left. To them there is no difference between profit and theft; killing in self defence and murder; making war, prosecuting crime, and persecuting political opponents. Consider that they changed Robin Hood from a man who recovered wealth from tax collectors to one who stole from merchants to give to the poor, that they included the Boston Bomber as a victim of gun violence rather than as a vicious criminal shot resisting the police.

The intellectual midgets of the right are guilty of the same, of course. Possibly I've done it also. That said, please note that by doing so they are free to say "You are no better than us," or conversely, "We are no worse than you."

Guess what folks? They are worse than us, or at least what we hope to be, we do hope to grow to be better than our opponents. They promise trading one form of slavery for another. We promise freedom. It is their job to blur differences, it is ours to make them clear.

Freedom is not just a rebranding.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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I watched NOVA on a night or so ago, wherein the Boston Marathon Bombers used pressure cookers and pipes, fitted with stuff that goes Ka-blam and timers, to do their evil deed.

So I'm asking—does this mean pressure cookers and pipes are gonna be outlawed?


Renata Amy Russell
Signatory (post no bills)
[email protected]

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