Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's
Number 820, May 4, 2015

When Donald Trump is forced to train his weird,
alien hair to do a little dance for nickels in
a tin cup, then we'll know we've won.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Democrat "Compassion"

Ten Republicans voted for Loretta Lynch for Attorney General. Screams for their scalps have already begun. People know a deal was made. Obviously these folk sold out and deserve to driven from office. This may be true, probably is true. But for what it's worth, I thought we should review what these guys' price was.

Apparently there was a bill before the Senate addressing the issue of International human trafficking ([Link]). It contained pro forma language stating that no money in the funding of this bill could be used to pay for abortions (I say pro forma because this is something Republicans stick in every bill they write.). The Democrats resisted letting this bill go forward.

Approving Loretta Lynch was the price of getting the bill to help victims of human trafficking passed. If you think the Republicans who voted to pay this price are traitors remember to vote against them when they run for re-election. However, also remember the hypocrisy of Democrats' claims to have compassion for the victims of human trafficking. Perhaps they are as hypocritical in all their claims of compassion.

(Note: While this letter addresses the fact that the Republicans who voted for Ms. Lynch (what a horrible name for a Person of Color!) for AG had a better than average reason for geeking, they all have reputations for being too fast to compromise.)

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Re: "Open Carry" by L. Neil Smith

Concerning the utilitarian CCW argument:

I object to protecting statists through CCW. If they want me to protect them by making criminals play "guess who has a gun", they can pay me for this service. In fact, if you go by strict utility, the unarmed are burdening "society" by failing to open carry, and should be treated like mentally damaged adults, and not allowed to vote ( provided you think voting is somehow a good thing ).

Best regards,
[email protected]

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RE: The Death of Science Fiction Literature
How Political Correctness and Mainstream Conformity Have Wrecked An Eccentric Genre of Literary Fine Art
by James May
[Linked to from last issue's main page]

Apparently Mr. May never read the Niven/Pournelle/Flynn book "Fallen Angels" (1991). They posited that SF would have to go underground because of the anti-science leanings of the EcoLeftist movement (Swords, Dragons & Fairies, OK. Rayguns, Spaceships & Anthropomorphs/Aliens not so much).

So... at this point, it's actually old news and his 2 part screed seems, while true, a bit excited and overwrought — especially since it never mentioned "Fallen Angels" stressing it first...

[email protected]

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In a sane country, I'd be able to help Californians with their water shortage by building a desalinization plant powered by a large liquid-salt Thorium reactor, and produce electricity to sell as a by-product.

The NRC has many crimes to answer for.

(I really want this for an Erf Day parade ... it's probably Wyoming street legal: [Link])

Best regards,
[email protected]

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RE: The Death of Science Fiction Literature
How Political Correctness and Mainstream Conformity Have Wrecked An Eccentric Genre of Literary Fine Art
by James May
[Linked to from last issue's main page]

Really! Wait till he reads "The Ring of the Transgenders"! Now more than 10 million words long and still growing.

That will pop his cork.

Like you need being told what the music is like for some scenes, such as "Stericker's Wakening".

Tatiana Covington
[email protected]

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